
What did I do?

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I have a betta fish who is three or four I can't remeber, anyway I have never let the water sit, I have let his bowl get so dirty you can't tell I have a fish, he has lived for weeks in just over an inch of water at a time and his normal home is a half gallon tank.

I've never used nets to get him out of the tank, I've always used my hands, but I do use betta plus water treatment, is it just my fish?

He has never been sick either, I've other betta's too and they all lived up to three years or more.




  1. Why did you let your fish get like that?  Part of owning a pet is making it happy.  Bettas can live like that because they sometimes have to live in a puddle for a while in thier original home until the rains come to wash them into normal water.  I feel sorry for your fish.  Don't get another betta unless you learn to treat it right.

  2. that is discusting, and no, i do not believe you truely love this fish. if you did, you would MAKE time to take care of it properly.

    bettas do NOT live in 'little puddles'. this is, by far, the most ANNOYING rumor ever, and is far, far from the truth. they live in huge rice paddies:

    and don't think they are confined to jsut one... they can jump over the barriers into surrounding paddies. they also live in slow lakes and large ponds.

    i'm sorry, but what you are doing is pretty darn dispicable, and a discusting thing to do.

  3. There's a distinct difference between surviving and thriving. Bettas who are cared for properly are active, alert, bright, and get to swim through their large homes through their entire lives, which may be 3-4 years.

    Bettas are exotherms, so their metabolism is directly related to the temperature of their environment. Being kept in a cold, dirty bowl actually slowed your fish's metabolism, and increased his lifespan. But what a sad, pitiful life he's had.

  4. You are a rotten pet owner...give the fish to someone who will appreciate it and take care of it.

  5. you just decribed teriable tank and living conditions and you don't know what happened you lack of taking care of things properly took their toll on the fish

    I am a firm beleiver that you don't have to work tanks as much as a lot of people on here say you do but at the same time I don't say never take care of the maintance of the tank either and the smaller the tank the more it should be worked to maintain safe living conditions

  6. You suck. Why would you even get a pet if you won't accept the responsibilities?

  7. Betta fish have an organ called a 'labyrinth' which allows them to breathe air.  This is why they can inhabit foul water, with no filter, airpump, etc.  In the wild, they're found in swamps, so they're well suited for dirty water.  

    That's why your fish were able to survive in there.  Their fins are quite susceptable to fungal infection though, so keeping them in such a condition is pushing your luck a bit.  Usually you should do a partial water change every week, and never have to net them (or ..hand them) out of their tank.

    I wouldn't try keeping any other type of fish in that kind of condition. They wouldn't last long at all.

  8. this is not suitable

    bettas need atleast 2.5 gallons of heated filtered water

    and every second day 1/2 gallon water changes
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