I know, I know, see a doctor. I would like to but I can't right now. So someone please tell me what may be wrong and how it can be resolved.
Yesterday I was biting down hard on something when I felt a sickening pop. I was surprised but didn't think anything of it at first. Later I noticed that it hurt to move my jaw a certain way. Then, I went to get something to eat and the pain became very apparent. Whenever I try to chew something it hurts! I can bite down without any pain otherwise, but when I try to eat it hurts too much. Is this going to fix itself on its own?
I had my wisdom teeth out a month or so ago and I read in the pamphlet that the jaw could be weakened due to the surgery. Is it possible that I may need surgery to fix my jaw?
Someone please ease my mind. But answer truthfully of course.