
:( What did I do wrong?

by  |  earlier

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My tank has:

1 Mickey Mouse Fish- Mickey

2 Guppies (male and female)- Jasper and Riley

1 sucker fish (starts with a P)- Bubba

Other tank- 18 baby guppies

This morning I woke up to find Bubba still sucking the filter (his favorite place) but next to it in a tight corner and upside down his insides were out and stomac torn open. I was devistated! I loved Bubba!

My Question: Which fish of mine would do such a thing (that fish will be going to another tank)





  1. Sorry about Bubba your other fish will not have hurt him.Check your tank for sharp objects.

    Good Luck

  2. he probably ripped it open by accident, or some bird came in and killed it.

  3. You mentioned the filter.  My Betta's like to sit at the filter as the suction holds them in place so they do not have to use energy.  Bone idle :-)  Becuase of this they have ripped there finnage, although they have grown back.  It could be that the suction got him on the wrong place underneath and hurt him.  If that was the case fish are brave when another fish is dying and will nip and bite.  If your fish was dying although guppies etc are peaceful they will nip/eat a dying fish.  Otherwise your fish genuinely died of natural cause and going back to the other fish bit him which would cause his stomach to tear.  Sweety, its the circle of life and as sad as it can be he is in a happy place now.  Anyway, you get to go and buy a new fish, try something new.  Ram Cichlids are excellent, especially if you buy a pair :-)

    Hope this helps.

  4. Pretty sure the guppies & mickey mouse fish couldn't do that sort of thing, so don't think it would be an attack by one of these.

    Is there anything sharp in the tank that Bubba could have caught himself on..?

  5. the guppies should be fine...they are tame and good/harmless..

    I've never heard of a mickey mouse fish?

    Mabye he snagged himself on something (a rock, sharp corner, ect..?) and hurt himself?

  6. It was jaws    ............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

  7. It probably just died, (unexplained) and your other fish just thought that it was chow time. There's no need to dispose of your fish as it is the risk you took when you bought your fish. Bubba was a plecostomus, (plec). Sometimes they just die, with no apparent reason. I had a pair once. They were visible for the first day, then that was it. Never saw them again. x*x

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