
What did I ever do to deserve all that??

by  |  earlier

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I just wanted to tell you guys my story and I need your opinions.

A year ago, I started my new job. I work as a programmer. Nobody really cares what a programmer does and how he does his job. I did my best and I learned and searched the web for useful things to use on this huge project that is now supposed to be working ok. I made an effort all by myself. Nobody helped me with anything. It's a huge project and I did it all by myself..just to find recently that the salary has increased a little and I thought wow, this company really appreciated my hardwork. Only to find out that everyone else has got the same amount of raise. I never got a bonus for my work. I don't even get appreciated. My boss only says thank you to me whenever I do something good. Nobody seems to care. I sometimes stay extra hours after 5 to finish some important work related to that project. No extra dime!!!

I did some extra work for my boss outside the company, I know he used it, but he never thanked my for it, instead he showed it off to his friends and made them think that he did it himself!

Sometimes he calls me and after he ends the call, he slams the phone in my face. I don't really care if he has some personal problems. I really don't feel appreciated there and I'm not respected and I don't get any raises that says that I did something good for this company!

I was thinking of taking some time off just to make them feel that they really need me and start appreciating what I did for them.

I don't know why they do this to me. And I heard that if I asked for a raise, they'll watch me more and assign more tasks to me. It's like they're cutting from their flesh.

I'm sick of this people really. But I'm sad coz I did something really great to them.

What is wrong with these people??




  1. First, much of your post is about them, not you.  You can't change them.  

    Second, some of what you described is normal.  It is your duty to do a good job.  Unless the results of your work are truly exceptional, a bonus would be nice but is not required.  Extra effort and good performance are rarely rewarded promptly.  If you need more instant reward, be it monetary or recognition, than you are getting now, you may want to look for another job.

    Third, many bosses take credit for someone else's work, ideas, and etc.  Many bosses also don't treat their employees with the courtesy, consideration, and respect the employees deserve.  Again, you are not going to change your boss.  Learn to deal with it and look for greener pastures, but know that a new boss may act similarly.

  2. You need to quit complaining it happens to every one not just you. Oh, and the thing is your boss sounds like a d**k so if I was you i'd start looking for a better job. then i'd quit if i found one because then he would be up a S**t creek without a paddle!

  3. You did nothing wrong and I am sad for you that you would assume responsibility for the crass and ignorant behavior of others.  Your situation is not uncommon.  In fact, it is the status quo.  This is tragic.  Managers, supervisors, etc. have no clue that they would be nowhere without those individuals who make the machine work.  THEY get the "props", THEY get the kudos, praise, and raises because of the hard work of people like you.  Give back what you get- the minimum.  I am always appalled that bosses just don't get it.  They do not see that if they simply treated an employee with respect and dignity and acknowledged their hard work, the employee would continue to give their very best.  I know it is not easy but I would hope that you would seek employment elsewhere- someplace where you are not miserable all day.  Best of Luck and Peace Out!

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