
What did I miss today?

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Don't you feel sometimes when you go away from Y!A for a few hours and come back, that you've missed something?

Webby and Aussie's argument for instance?




  1. You could read the questions Kate.  Have you guys developed your own blog page?  

    Maybe you should start something like that, with special invites that you only want.

  2. So , what's new !  We're always arguing wonder she can't get anyone to do the dishes !

  3. Zis waz no argumen. me tryed to tich hi englis for hiz owen gooh.

    Edit: Ouch!! good come back. he can't speak english but he's good at that.

  4. Who cares really?? If you  enjoyed your time out.......let the ones here arguying and hadnt something to do with you,. So....go on with yo9ur life and dont pay attention to that,

  5. mmm i would ask the same because i have been away during more than 2 weeks and afther good vacations i noticed that i really missed you guys and i miss whats going on in lebanon q/a.

  6. nothing much, its a pretty slow day idk why tho
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