
What did McCain get out of Bush's 2007 State of the Union address besides sleep?

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What did McCain get out of Bush's 2007 State of the Union address besides sleep?




  1. That's it.  He is always sleeping in session....maybe that's why he doesn't know where Pakistan is located?

    And to the guy below me, McCain was passed out.  He was not listening "with his eyes closed".  He's old, he needs naps.

  2. You believe he was sleeping. If you saw me seated in the audience listening to a speech you would think I was sleeping as well. But, I'm not. I'm closing my eyes to diminish one sense so I can use my sense of hearing to listen (really listen) to what the speaker is saying. Those of us of a certain generation do that a lot. It's because we were not conditioned by the video age where the only things which can be accepted as true are contained in some You Tube video or patched together movie.

    In short, we are more cerebral than visceral. We're not enamored of the sizzle. We want the steak.  

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