
What did Milka Duno say to Danika Patrick in Spanish when she was yelling at her yesterday?

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Milka yelled back to Danika yesterday during practice at Mid Ohio. What was she saying? It sounded like Launcho or something like it?

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  1. It was not in Spanish, it was in the language of demons, she is possesed by demons.

    She also is very slow and drives like an idiot.

  2. I don't think that was an spanish word.

    If I'm wrong she might have a really thick accent.

  3. Milka speaks with a heavy spanish accent, and sometimes it is broken English, but from what I heard during the conversation, it was all English.

    Funny ... the general question being asked by Danica:  "Did you see me?"  And Milka does in fact answer her question with "I see you.  You had chances to pass me."

    Question asked - Question answered.  To be honest, I think Milka was also a little upset  when Danica came over.  I think she knew she was slow a little, so there may have been something boiling there, to which D.P.'s confrontation didn't help matters.

    Again, I think the conversation would have been better suited to the paddock area, rather than pit lane.  However, Danica's got a little A.J. in her, confronting someone on the spot, and not backing down.

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