
What did Munaf Patel Said to umpire Gamini Silva?

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What did Munaf Patel Said to umpire Gamini Silva?




  1. That Kula whatever stood there despite being Out. What a CHEAT !!! Kudos Munaf, keep doing stuff like this

  2. HE is very rude and rustic guy, he must have said something very nasty.

  3. what he has said is not important but severe action should be taken against players to put an end to abuse,sledging,lamenting,swearing,unruly behavior,e.t.c dent the image of the gentleman's game.

    It is high time to take strong action to restore image of cricket and the cricket governing bodies to make sure the game is played in true spirit.

  4. "u got to be kidding me"

  5. He would have said,"Good afternoon Mr Umpire, lovely weather we're having".And the umpire would have answered,"%#$@*&%#*&^! Now play cricket! lol

  6. must be some thing unpleasant and saying rude things  to the umpire that cricketer showed clearly his  lower upbringings  to the cricket world  

  7. Probably asking the umpire if he has a daughter for Munaf!

  8. "You Cannot Be Serious"

  9. They won't make that known to the public,all they have said is he was found guilty of language that is obscene, offensive or of a seriously insulting nature".

    So in other words he was'nt very nice.

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