
What did NBC do that was "wrong" when Palin's announcement came up?

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I can't find any stories about it, but some pundits were saying they did something weird with the announcement?




  1. One of the cable news networks (not Fox) put in a box below something like "How many houses does Palin add to the ticket?"  

    McCain / Palin 2008  

  2. Sarah Palin was a weird choice made by a weird old man. How could any announcement be other than weird?

  3. Don't know, but NBC and wrong often come up in the same sentence.

  4. it was MSNBC, if I am talking about the same thing you are

    they put a caption during the breaking news announcement of Palin that said

    How many houses does she add to the McCain ticket

    or something very close to that

  5. I'm not sure if it was "wrong" per se, but they did say it was a surprise pick & began talking about how unknown she is & how some reporters didn't even know how to pronounce her name because she was so unkown. They also started talking about everything she has, or hasn't done as governor of a state that has fewer people than Los Angeles alone.  

  6. It was MSNBC an affiliate of NBC who chose to announce the breaking news of McCain choosing Gov. Palin as:

    MSNBC Breaking News Ticker: 'How Many Houses Does Palin Add to Republican Ticket?'  Rather than in the same manner they announced Biden or maybe choosing to point out anything about Palin herself...whether being a woman, a conservative, a mother, even to perhaps choosing to point out her inexperience or say she was mayor rather than saying she was governor if they wanted to go negative, would have been more appropriate.  News journalists are not supposed to participate in biased reporting.The route they took is the worst in bad  journalism, but unfortunately is typical of MSNBC reporting, especially lately.

  7. some mispronounced her name, initially, but i hardly think that was the "wrong" you refer to. Then again, if it was NBC, the right would be the ones to jump on something said and blow it way out of proportion. (the right seems quite adept at "blowing" things out of proportion, i.e. larry craig, mark foley, ted haggard....).

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