
What did Nostradamus predict for 2008 onwards????

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just wondering if anybody has read anybooks or anything on Nostradamus and what he predicted for our future from 2008???????????Thanks in advance!




  1. I recommend for an analysis of what old Nost may/may not have predicted.

    Particularly: which is one of the most common Nostradamus hoaxes. Note that vague sounding metaphors in a fairly rigid verse form, translated (and adapted into verse) from another language, from over 500 years ago (how much Shakespeare can you understand easily? How much do scholars still argue over the meanings of?) gives a lot of wiggle-room to make pretty much hat you want out of it.

  2. The only prediction that Nostradamus dated was one for Sept. 1999 which basically stated that the Anti-Christ was supposed to arrive then.  No other predictions are dated

  3. Last that I know he predicted was apparently the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Good luck with your search.


    I looked a little harder on the internet and it said that Nostradamus predicts that between 2008-2015 the AntiChrist will appear and a huge comet will hit the earth (2012).

    My links provide a lot of predictions from Nostradamus. Good Luck.

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