
What did Obama actually mean when he said, "...unacceptable for Iran to possess a nuclear weapon." and more ?

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"It's sufficient to say I would not take military action off the table and I will never hesitate to use our military force to protect the homeland and the United States' interest."

Does that mean he is going to start a war with Iran? Bomb bomb Iran!

Which time did he lie? When he said this the other night on O'Reilly or when he promised to end war while talking to Liberals?

Just how much different is he from Bush? Obama the chicken HAWK!




  1. he means it is unacceptible for them to have them. he isn't accusing them of making them without evidence like the right-wingers are doing because they are frothing at the mouth for a chance to kill more humans beings.

  2. he thinks iran should get rid of them by sending them to Isreal.

  3. G...

    I'm obviously NOT a McCain / Palin supporter, BUT....

    McCain is NOT one person who fits the definition of "Chicken-Hawk".

    Give credit where credit is due...  use the correct terminology.

  4. Plain and simple.  Obama does NOT know WHAT to do.  Obama has NO foreign policy experience and should not be given that task.  McCain does and for that reason alone McCain will get my vote.

  5. What he means is, he wants votes any way he can get them. Say what you thank the voters want to hear at that point in time. He is really good at that and he has a mass following to prove it.

  6. He meant that if they posed a clear threat to us, which they do not now, then he would not hesitate to attack, it's really a policy of every candidate....

  7. er... protecting America is not being a chicken HAWK...

    starting a war and then changing the reason 14 times, because you never really had one... that's being a chicken hawk... and that's the war he wants to end...

    besides... the other choice supports all war all the time... even if you think Obama is a chicken hawk, hes not a grand master chicken hawk like McCain...

  8. Its just political talk for looking good, and presenting the persona of being an in charge kind of guy.

  9. if you read in Bedouin the worst you will see that it means that.the Greeks say the easy understanding ,you do not have to say them. must be understand. by read the persons mine.SAM times is not the letter,of Wat you riding, but the meaning of Wat the person was thinking the time he was riding the a talent for same think father than the persons riding

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