
What did Oprah Winfrey say about Nigeria and Nigerians?

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Does anyone have a link to anything about it?

It was last year right? Something about ALL of us not most but ALL of us being corrupt (I am only half though, but still)




  1. "all Nigerians- regardless of their level of education- are corrupt" she was quoted.

    Hope it helps.

  2. She said she got 419 email scams from nigerians. P.S. I am from Cameroon. That is south of nigeria.

  3. Here's the link to the show so you can watch it yourself

    I am a scambaiter... with 200+ contacts... While scammers DO come from all over the world, so far approximately 85% are Nigerian, 10% other parts of Africa and 5% from other assorted countries... I even have one from the US now! (a couple from the UK, one from Jordan of all places, etc) and are my best tools! I think the State Dept also has a few choice things to say about Nigeria... Care to dispute those?

    Look, it's YOUR country... YOU allow the corruption to be there... Personally, if I owned Yahoo/MSN/Google/et al, I would permanently shut down internet access to ANY IP address used by scammers... I would also advocate a GLOBAL blockade of the country until their EXCESSIVE human rights violations are addressed... 60% FGM rates??? That's pure insanity...

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