
What did Pervez Musharraf do wrong?

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i am wondering what did he do wrong?




  1. Do you mean putting aside the fact that he was a military dictator who toppled a democratically elected government?

  2. He also cosied up to Bush and I don't think everyone in Pakistan felt comfortable with this.  

  3. he gave the impression of hanging onto power by any means.....

    shame , hes wasnt as corrupt as what pakistan is left with now

    oh dear

  4. He was taking on added executive rights that were justified by the "war on terror." He illegally dismissed judges. He declared that the country was in good economic shape when most people were struggling to make ends meet. He abused his power and weakened the constitution.

    Apparently, Pakistan has a functioning democracy that can impeach a president who abuses his position of power. Let's see if the US can do the same. Have you heard that Dennis Kucinich has filed articles of impeachment? Probably not...  The networks either marginalize or ignore important stories that may risk their profitability.

  5. he sacked the chief justice, and apparently that wasn't justified, cos the chief justice was "only" calling into question the election results that made musharraf president

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