
What did Rev. Wright really say? Why was it offensive? What was your take/opinion on it?

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I did'nt really understand what he said that was so contreversial, the only thing I understood was that he said God d**n America because of many years of slavery, I'm not sure if I'm correct because I don't think Obama would denounce those comments, can somebody clarify for me what he really said, if I have it wrong, why it was offensive and what your take on the issue is, also please tell me what he recently said at the Press Club thing and the NAACP events that was so contreversial, it's been very confusing for me! My main focus though is what sparked the controversey first, the sermon that he preached at Trinity.




  1. He said that America brought 9/11 on itself. I think Obama shouldn't have distanced himself from the Rev. because you should always stick with your friends.

  2. Hi

    Check out for yourself the original transcript :

    Being a student of theology myself, I must say that Rev. Wright seems to be a good academic and practitioner in his school of thought and I found his speech well researched. Check this news out which I got from a 3rd party website about medical discrimination against the blacks....

    ---------- Forwarded message ----------

    From: NaturalNews <>

    Date: Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 9:11 PM

    Subject: Obama doesn't want you to know about U.S. gov medical experiments on blacks


    NaturalNews Insider Alert ( newsletter

    Dear NaturalNews readers,

    You've heard all the fuss about Rev. Wright vs. Obama in the mainstream media, right? Well, did you know Rev. Wright is actually quite correct when he talks about the history of blacks being used for medical experimentation by the U.S. government? I know this isn't a happy subject, but the truth is that blacks are still being exploited by the cancer industry, which aims to keep black men and women ignorant of simple, low-cost prevention strategies for breast cancer and prostate cancer. And today, I've posted a feature story that dares to tell the truth about the cancer industry  and the exploitation of blacks by Big Pharma and the medical establishment. Obama won't want to read this story, that's for sure... (see below)

    I've also posted a new podcast called The Racist Cancer Industry, Blacks and Chemical Enslavement. You'll find that here:

    By the way, sorry that the podcast RSS feed file I announced yesterday didn't work on some browsers. It turns out that IE doesn't like the .rss filename, so I've changed the file to .XML. Now the NEW RSS file for the podcast feed is:

    Also today: Air fresheners cause asthma | Nutrasweet exposed! | Big Pharma employee reveals shocking truth | Merck dumps vaccine chemicals into water supply | Veggies that fight prostate cancer | and more!

    Click any headline below to read the stories you want:

    Health: Rev. Jeremiah Wright is Right about how U.S. Government Uses Blacks for Medical Experiments, Including AIDS

    (NaturalNews) Regarding the current controversy about Rev. Wright and U.S. Presidential candidate Barack Obama, Rev. Wright is actually quite correct about the U.S. government's exploitation of black Americans for medical experiments  - (and worse). What...-

  3. He is a big racist.  Sure white people had slaves but he's forgetting, on purpose I'm sure, that it was blacks in Africa who originally sold out other tribesman to Spanish, etc. slavers who bought them and then sold them in England, America and other countries. They were not just here in the US.  Shouldn't the blacks in Africa be condemned for selling their own into slavery?   AND, over in Africa, this kind of raiding other tribes for slaves and women took place all the time. SO, how can you possibly say that white people were the cause of slavery?  Hes insane and only wants to cause more trouble in the world than there already is.

    He also said the government was responsible for AIDS in Africa.  Good grief.  It's their loose sexual practices of s******g anybody they want over there that spreads the disease.  They don't pay any attention to the people from all countries that go over there to teach them safe s*x practices.  They do what they want and then cry because they all get AIDS.  If the help is there and you ignore it, don't come crying to me. AND, I'd say this if the country it was happening in was white people or asian or indian, etc.

  4. Rev. Wright  said he thought wrestling was fake and people who watched it were stupid. He told the people at the NAACP that he didn't like white folks because they were responsible for slavery.

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