
What did Yahoo delete a question that is related to La Raza is the La Raza Yahoo staff offended ?

by Guest65754  |  earlier

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What did Yahoo delete a question that is related to La Raza is the La Raza Yahoo staff offended ?




  1. I got one for answering your question. Maybe it's a touchy subject and they don't want to go that route. Funny how 2 different views got violated. It  must be a double agent troll.

  2. Why?  The likely answer is you got reported by a couple of the pro (pa)trolls who don't like you.  I've got several who don't like me--bet we share some in common.

    They are legends in their own minds.

    I've got one silly troll who  has taken to following me around and every time I'm chosen as B.A., the pitiful guy posts some c**p in the comments section about how his answer is better and everyone should read it.

    Got another one who is angry because somehow it's my fault that her posts on here are illiterate and unintelligible.

    Watching them get all in a lather is mildly amusing....for about 2 minutes...then it just gets boring....

  3. Racial hatred.

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