
What did agriculture provide that changed the course of human history?

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What did agriculture provide that changed the course of human history?




  1. A steady and easy supply of food - which in turn provided time for people to do stuff other than hunt

  2. It grew an apple for EVE

  3. A semi-guaranteed (or at least semi-predictable) source of food and material.

  4. Agriculture in addition to feeding us gives us a strong reason to fight wars to retain our crops, our cropland, our barns, our flocks, and the fences that restrain them.

    Because agriculture provided an opportunity to develop stable city life, it also gave us a strong reason to fight to maintain that city life against marauding tribes, invading countries.

    With hunting we could move over and leave very little capital behind if our hunting areas were invaded. But agriculture required a lot of capital investment, permitted a lot more.

  5. It offered freedom, or time for people to do  things other  than hunting for food for survival. One farmer could grow enough food to feed several people, giving them time to be plumbers, store keepers, doctors, carpenters, etc.

  6. Farming provided a steady supply of food that could be stored, thus allowing people to stay in one place instead of following the game animals or going to where certain plants were ripe, etc.

    This steady supply of food allowed for the development of trades and specialization in crafts which led to transportation improvements and so forth.

    Side note:  wine and beer were developed as a way of preserving the nutrient valued of grapes and grain.  The alcohol was a natural preservative.

  7. With agriculture, humans could stay in one spot and no longer needed to hunt and gather.  So humans didn't live nomadic lifestyles any more.  

    I also think that human populations rose because of it but I couldn't tell you why, look it up.

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