
What did colonel unger and john parke do to keep the dam from breaking and to warn the people downstream?

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What did colonel unger and john parke do to keep the dam from breaking and to warn the people downstream?




  1. Uh, which dam?

  2. Colonel Unger was a sports club president.

    He tried to uncover rail road gratings oveto supress a dam from overflowing. Unfortunately the grates were so rusted, and covered with debris, he could not remove them.

    An attempt to cut a sluiceway in the west side also failed. At just fourteen inches of digging the workmen hit solid bedrock. Their only hope was that the extra dirt shoveled into the face of the dam would strengthen it enough to hold.

    Parke finally realized there was no way to save the dam. At 11:30 a.m. he got on his horse and rode into South Fork to warn the people of their danger. He also sent two men to the South Fork telegraph tower to get word to Johnstown and other towns in danger of flooding. The first message said only that the dam was in “bad condition.” But another message sent at 1:52 reported water pouring over the top of the dam. Worse news was to follow.

    Parke finally realized there was no way to save the dam. At 11:30 a.m. he got on his horse and rode into South Fork to warn the people of their danger. He also sent two men to the South Fork telegraph tower to get word to Johnstown and other towns in danger of flooding. The first message said only that the dam was in “bad condition.” But another message sent at 1:52 reported water pouring over the top of the dam. Worse news was to follow.

    So in conclusion John Unger, tried tio stop the dam from overflowing.

    And John parke and 2 others rode their horses to warn people of the coming flood.

    Due to several previous "threats" however, most townspeople of Kohnstown did not heed the warnings. The South Fork dam busted on may 31 1889. Flooding the Johnstown valley, totally destroying the town, of Johnstown Pa, killing 2000 people.


  3. They both got a crew working on the dam that morning before it broke. They ordered them to work harder and faster. Then when they realized the efforts of the men to fix the dam wasn't working and the dam was going to break they sent a man down to warn the towns below. The man that went with the warning got to South Fork and there is where they sent it over the wire (Morse code). So basically Unger and Parke just told others what to do and didn't really get their hands dirty.

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