
What did/do you have for lunch?

by  |  earlier

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I'm about to start working, and I'm looking for ideas of what to bring for my lunch. I'm not a sandwich person, especially now with the listeria out break. I'm also not a soup person. So what else can I bring.

Any ideas will be greatly appreciated!




  1. why don't you have a pita with lettuce and tomato and deli meat and cheese? it's kind of like a sandwich, but not really. you could also have some mac and cheese with broccoli.

  2. salad    cheese and crackers     fruit and  yogurt

  3. I cracked open a can of Albacor and had crackers.  

    My son had canteloup and Peanutbutter on crackers

    My baby had carrots and dip, and 1 hard boiled egg.

    (Im realizing my house sounds like a friken diner ;)

    My husband had a salad, with white beans (gotta have some protien)

  4. use leftovers to make delicious lunches!!

    i do it all the time


    Use leftover chicken for :

    Heat the chicken, put in a pita, with salad

    Shred the chicken, top it on a pizza with some peppers & onions

    Toss it with lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, and your fav. dressing

    Have it with rice & beans

    Make a burrito or a wrap with salad

    Other lunch ideas:

    Pasta : mac & cheese, baked ziti, (spaghetti is not good for work, too messy)

    Salads: add different veggies each time, so you'll have a different taste

    Wraps/ pitas/ burritos: use chicken / turkey/ deli meat/ your preference

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