
What did early Americans (circa~13,000 years ago) blame the rescinding of the ice sheets on (Last Ice Age)?

by Guest62929  |  earlier

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Since the last ice age was about 11,000 years ago, it must have been pretty crazy to see such a dramatic change in climate. What do you think the people of that time blamed this crazy 'global warming' phenomenon on?

Remember, they didn't have cars or CFC's back then.




  1. I dont think they would fathem what it was. Between hunting and mating and all.

  2. Wonderer said

    "I can't see how an ice age can be "rescinded"."

    Don't you know, Wonderer? I canceled the ice age.

  3. probably on animal farts and cooking fires

  4. It took thousands of years for the glaciers to retreat; they probably didn't even know it was happening.

    It surely didn't take thirty years (length of current warming trend so far)

  5. The SUN god-------

  6. There were NO Americans on this continent

    13,000 years ago.  I doubt if there were even

    native peoples.  

      I imagine it as only trees, rivers and animals.

  7. Well, if you studied the ice age, you'd know that it couldn't have lasted.  Ice ages come and go.  That would be a part of the natural system of things on the earth.  We'll have one again, but no one knows when.  

    I'm sure they didn't think much of it, as the reccession of the ice age took centuries and centuries to happen, as did the coming of the last Ice Age itself.

  8. Mammoth farts.     All that methane from eating the tundra grasses.

  9. White man move into some North American sites with their fancy Folsom points.  White man build big fire and sit back, Indian make small fire and sit close.  Those evil white %$$#^&*% ruined the neighborhood and now great white water ice move north (white flight).

    Last of the Moh thinks the glaciers have retreated significantly in the last 30 years (and alarmist think science is on their side).  The last 30 years is but a blip in the scale of continental glaciers.  The continental glaciers that once pushed down from the north were thousands of feet thick.  When they retreated, it was not at the minuscule scale of any recent melting.   Recent melting is more likely due to short term climate fluctuations IMO.  The Milankovitch cycle has to do with variations in the earth's orbit and its axis of rotation.  It doesn't have to do with solar output.  There are various solar cycles that are responsible for shorter term variations in climate.

  10. I can't see how an ice age can be "rescinded". Do you mean "retreated"?  The whole procedure would take such a long time that it would seem almost imperceptible to anyone living in North America. It seems highly likely that people wold be living in parts of the continent which had a climate conducive to survival. The ice sheets would have been useful for crossing the Bering Strait. Anyone crossing into the continent wold have followed game and vegetation patches since they were hunter-gatherers and not agriculturalists.

      The change would not have been dramatic. Check your text-books and you will see the extended period of recession which is just about to come to an end. We are in the lull of an ice age just waiting for nature to begin the cycle once more.

      Get out your thick socks!

  11. Variations in solar radiation called "Milankovic cycles".  Google it for details.

    How do we know that's not what's happening now?  Simple, we measure solar radiation received by Earth (also known as "solar forcing").  It's been decreasing for years.

    "Recent oppositely directed trends in solar

    climate forcings and the global mean surface

    air temperature", Lockwood and Frolich (2007), Proc. R. Soc. A


    News article at:

  12. they blamed it on bush.

    a lilac bush...

  13. it is just how the world's climate is. there is no global warming. it is totally normal...

  14. Those crazy right-wing Mammoth hunters that where using up the last of the natural resources. They built huge fires to cook the Mammoths and melted all the ice. This in turn decreased the Earth's albedo and that's how it all started. The neoconservative, right-wingers never did care about the planet. All their descendants now roam the Earth in SUVs, polluting, starting wars and voting Republican.

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