
What did gatherers gathered in early times?

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  1. Nuts and berries and fruits.  They also used snares and pitfalls to catch animals for food and skins.  The men also hunted.

  2. They both hunted and gathered.  Herbs, nuts, berries, roots, insects.....  

    The Native Americans on the plains (before they got the horse) would have cricket drives and roast the crickets for an added source of protein and seasoning in their breads.  They also harvested corn, wild grains, strawberries, asparagus, and other wild crops.  They would also remember where such plants grew and when they were best.   They also learned how to increase the number of plants by planting seed.  That's how farming began.

  3. According to the Biblical Genesis story, when Adam and Eve, the first humans, lived in the Garden of Eden, they ate only what grew on trees. This would be parallel to the scientific theory that humans evolved in tropical rain forests, and ate mainly what they found growing there, just as other primates such as gorillas and chimps, do, even to this day.

    Like other primates and people of some cultures still do, today, early man probably ate insects, snails, and other small animals that were easy to catch and chew. He also ate honey, and the eggs of birds and reptiles.

    Human teeth are designed for eating plant materials, not the raw meat that was the only kind available, before the utilization of fire. Man's fingernails aren't claws, designed to tear animals open or apart.

    The discovery of how to use fire made it possible for humans to migrate to cooler climates than the rain forest, and to places that had seasonal variations in the availability of vegetable food. Fire also provided a way to make meat easier to chew, and thus made it into a good source of food

    This parallels the Biblical story of how Adam and Eve, having eaten from the "tree of knowledge of good and evil," were driven from the Garden of Eden, by an angel with a flaming sword.

  4. Human beings can not live simply by gathering, since there are periods when fruits, nuts, leaves and other edible parts of plants are simply not available. This is the reason for the expression "hunter/gatherer" - a means of obtaining food from both animal and plant sources.

    Nuts, edible seeds, berries, edible roots such as wild carrot, all formed a part of such a lifestyle (and still do in remote parts of Australia and elsewhere). But without meat, these people would become extinct fairly quickly.

  5. Roots, nuts and fruit.  if they were near the seashore they might gather shellfish.   In surviving hunter-gatherer societies, it is normally the women who do the gathering, and this was most probably the case in ancient times as well.  The men generally do the hunting.

  6. olives, berries, dates... or at least the ancestors of those fruits.

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