
What did george bush did good for the people the 8 year's he was president?

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what did george bush do for his country in 8 years as president...




  1. The only thing I like about George Bush was his attitude towards the space program. If NASA were to really get back on its feet, and sent us to Mars, that would be great for many.

  2. uh...start an invasion and cost us trillions,dead GI's  immense loss of respect in the world, and jobs fleeing, record gas prices, scams, looting and rape of our nations resources...uh...thats off the top of my head

  3. He did so much,  to numerous to mention here

  4. I am not a fan of the president, and maybe the country and world is worse off after his presidency, I don’t know. But I do that to claim the president did no good over the past eight years is completely ridiculous.  

  5. Taken you backwards on every front.

    (and provided the world with a lot of laughs with his misrepresentationalisms)

  6. He has prevented further attacks on our soil.

  7. He did lots of good for certain people, but little to nothing of what he did would be considered good from the populist perspective your question implies.

  8. The only thing I can think of is sign the bill for the the Stimulus Package Checks. That check saved my life!!!

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