
What did governer Palin say she would do to help the country last night? ?

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Please tell me 1 thing she said she would do to improve our country. What did she propose for the economy? for the environment? for the war/s overseas? for poverty-stricken americans? for millions of americans without healthcare? for out 9 trillion dollar external debt?

For the falling value of the dollar? What about for womens rights? What did she propose in terms of providing equal pay in the workplace? anything? anyone?

Please be specific. I want to know 1 plan she has in place to improve our country.




  1. I listened to the speech. She talked about her kids. She talked about the Republican Neocon's superior values. She talked about how great and clever of a governor she was in ebaying a private jet (I had no idea that brought the best return on a Jet. I would have thought she could have gotten more for it, but I guess using Ebay made it a headline news, which helped her personally...) She talked about how McCain was a war hero who no Dem was good enough to sniff his jock. She repeatedly strongly implied that community organizers did nothing of value --- meaning very bluntly that helping the unemployed get new jobs is not of value to her.

    She did not in fact mention anything beyond "drilling for Oil" (a policy that won't add any oil for 5 to 10 years) as the solution to the problems facing our country.

    But then again, what did you expect? She went on TV A MONTH AGO and asked someone to tell her what the VP job entails. Check you tube. Substance? LOL!

    McCain/Palin's platforms are ridiculously empty. Obama's are a comparative 7 course meal vs. McCain/Palin's cotton candy.

    No, last night was a whole lot of patting herself on the back and ego rubbing the GOP faithful.

    Basically when I sit and think about it, her speech probably accomplished the same thing you'd have gotten taking the GOP to a strip bar. Everyone left hot and bothered, but really nothing was accomplished beyond burning an evening.

    I can only guess that was the McCain camp's goal.

    So what's an Indy or sensible Republican to do? Obama or go with Ron Paul and the Libertarians?

  2. All she did was say "na-nanny- boo-boo". "Vote for me 'cause I'm a white woman!"

  3. Morph into a pit bull with lipstick?.

    I am sure our enemies and Revlon were impressed.

  4. She said that we will seek all forms of energy. Wind, solar, drilling, etc. I'm pretty sure that would help the country.

    Edit - Someone gave me a thumbs down because I'm saying what she stated. Here is the exact text of what she said.

    "Our opponents say, again and again, that drilling will not solve all of America's energy problems — as if we all didn't know that already.

    But the fact that drilling won't solve every problem is no excuse to do nothing at all.

    Starting in January, in a McCain-Palin administration, we're going to lay more pipelines ... build more nuclear plants ... create jobs with clean coal ... and move forward on solar, wind, geothermal and other alternative sources.

    We need American energy resources, brought to you by American ingenuity, and produced by American workers."

    THAT is an issue she talked about.

  5. Beat her opponents!

  6. She pointed out Obama's inadequacies. That's worth everything.

  7. She didn't say anything, because she doesn't plan to help the country.

    Oh, she did say how she wants to drill every drop of oil out of Alaska - does that count?

  8. might i suggest a hearing aide.

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