
What did he mean by "I like you"?

by  |  earlier

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We've been dating for 4 months now, our feelings for each other are very intense at this point. I cannot get him out of my head and he has admitted the same. Tonight we were kissing intensely and he said "I like you". What was the meaning of this? I never really thought about it until tonight but I'm actually falling for him. I'm hoping he is feeling the same. But still curious by what he meant by "I like you".

Note: we are adults not teenagers.




  1. In my opinions, u should pray God and ask help because u don't know if he really likes you. I think, he"ll probably like you or not. Even through you falling for him, and you've been dating him for 4 months it doesn"t matter. The truth is just pray God for directions. That"s the only  advice i can give you. By the way I don"t know if you have faith in God or not. I don"t care if u religious or not, the thing is just pray God.

  2. It means just what he said.........he likes you!  He like's spending time with you.  It also means that he's not ready to tell you he loves you and that's probably what you're really wondering.  If you enjoy the time you spend with him......carry on the way it's going!  Perhaps it will grow from like into love........but maybe it won't!..........or perhaps he's happy to stay "in like" with you and you've already moved past that.

    As much as we like to be told we are loved..........I give this guy credit for not throwing those words around if he's not sure he does love you.  I don't know about you, but I'd rather hear I was liked  and know it was sincere than be told I was loved if I really wasn't

  3. he likes you! i have found out for myself that no matter how hard you try to get them to say i love you they wont until they are ready! i said i love you for the first time to my boyfriend when we was dating for like a month and all he said back was you too! whats that mean? i dont know but i do know that im still with him and we have been together for a year and almost 6 months!

  4. saying the word love puts his heart on the line and for men this is a scary risk to take. his heart wants to say love but his nerves make it come out as like

  5. he's a guy.  He's probably having trouble expressing how he feels, trying to get the message across.  But I think it sounds like he cares about you.

  6. it mean he likes you, some guys are really shy saying i love you, instead they will say i like you, but I'm not saying if it really what he feels, i mean SOME guys.. you're the one who can tell if he really does, 'coz you said you've dating 4 months, i mean i thinks it's enough for you to know what he is, and you can ask him? i think that wouldn't cause a thing if a girl will ask a guy what he feels, about you... anyways he wouldn't date with you if he doesn't like you

  7. If his feelings for you are actually intense to the point where he can't get you out of his head... it probably means that he loves you. Sometimes, we guys have poor choice of words and don't exactly think before we say. Its not bad or anything to worry about. Only if he didn't have intense feelings for you and he said "I like you", then you have a problem.  

  8. It means he's afraid of saying, "I Love You."

    Why?  It sounds to me like you're pretty young.


    You are getting defensive about being called young?  Definately not old... still its a rookie mistake.

  9. it means that he likes you!! or he doesnt want you to leave his side or something

  10. um i think that he was trying to say i love you but all that came out was i like you and by the looks of it he really cares for you alot so try keeping him

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