
What did hitler do besides killing the jews ?

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what else did he do wrong




  1. He did nothing wrong...

  2. Also held German women captive in breeding farms trying to produce "perfect" humans and killed thousands of babies after birth with any sort of birth defect.

    Not only Jews were in concentration camps, but any other nationality, those who spoke out against him, g*y people, people with hereditary diseases that would "pollute" the German gene pool, people from countries that were conquered.....

    Violated basic human rights of freedom and privacy by spying on his people and forming the gestapo.

    As others have mentioned, Hitler himself used methamphetamines and there's recent theories that he was g*y.

    Poisoned Geobells children in the bunker before he killed himself

    Used chemical agents against the Allies and tested them on prisoners in concentration camps.

    Wanted to take over europe and eventually kill off all other races. Stole companies/homes/savings of people he wanted to.

  3. be sedated with drugs, its true, i was watching the history channel. he had someone do it for him like everyday,  from the time he wakes up in the morning until FOREVER

  4. invaded a few countries, killed g*y people and gypsies, have syphilis, burn books bunches of stuff but you might want to try googling him

  5. sit down eating pizza

  6. He accused other nations of using "terrorism".

  7. Conquered Poland, France, Denmark, Norway, Belgium and Netherlands (both neutrals), Romania, Yugoslavia, Greece, and about every other place he could find.  He also invaded the Soviet Union with the intent of enslaving the people there, too, but Russia has these winters...

  8. he did nothing. Hitler didnt think he was doing something bad. he thought he was helping his people and his people thought so, too! that was the insanity of it! the largest part of the nation agreed with him. maybe you can searh about hitler history. would you mind to share with me if hitler go to heaven or h**l. i will appreciate it waiting for your  reply. thanks from pinky.

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