
What did i do wrong? how do i have an OBE???

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can i reach the state of mind or the altered state of conciousness that i need to be in to have an OBE just by doing those meditations??? how do i start??? how do i shift my state of consiousness? I know that is a complicated question but i don't know how. I aslo don't expect it to be instant originally but after a long day of listening to binaural beats and meditating, i tried to have an OBE and for the first time i felt the vibrations in my toes!!! but i got so excited that it went away. what do i do to get back there and what should i do next? what did i do right? i tried it again and again but it hasn't worked. please help!!!




  1. I want what Joe's smoking!

  2. i meditate also  my sensi told me to amagine a ball of warm light let the light pass by your feet and up your body feel its warmth.and if you have problems clearing your mind imagine a garbage truck and in the garbage are all your though and worries watch it as it is thrown away  

  3. What are you on about?

  4. LET ME FIRST EXPRESS: You should really be intuned with your environment and body before you try this. Your state of mind should also be seriously sound. (No depression or personality disorders...If you've had a rough week, don't do this! If you are in any type of emotional flux, don't do this!) If you aren't spiritually 'in shape',  you could end up projecting yourself and not getting back.

    The absolute best way to experience OBE is to make sure you are in a higher state of consiousness. I do not recommend drugs! The best, natural way is the deep breath method. I have found that this way gets me to a higher consious fast and I don't need a stomach pumping or deal with an arrest warrent later! LOL

    Breath from the diaphram. Once you feel slightly light headed, you know it's working. Do this when you are completely relaxed, so probably at bedtime. Remember to think positive things and think about what positive stuff you want to see. Things that aren't positive can get you a very negative experience.  

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