
What did i see? a Large black figure...its head was bowed..very tall??

by  |  earlier

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it was always behind me. and it moved faster than a human. it was 8 feet tall and its head bowed. it frightened me..and lights didnt illuminate it. it had no face. . . help me please!!!




  1. Not to freak you out or anything but... my sister and I see this kind of thing all the time. We like to refer to them as "ghosts" but, hey, your choice.

    Personally, I feel and see little children most of the time all around me. I hear things whisper my name daily in some very random places, hear footsteps throughout the house, and even smell certain smells such as burning, smoke, and perfumes.

    My sister sees more of the sort of thing you are seeing. She actually witnessed something VERY MUCH resembling what you saw in her prevous home. It was a tall dark shadowy figure that gave her a malevolent sort of feeling. It stood in front of her seven month old daughters room as if warning or even daring my sister to enter. Every time she did, she felt as if she couldnt breathe, was afraid to move, and sensed some sort of "evil" all around her.

    My advice, tell it to go the h**l away! This works the best, as long as you use a strong, fearless voice and tell it go away and leave you alone!

    Good Luck!

  2. ichabod craine

  3. Sounds like your Shadow

  4. was it a nude black p**n star?

  5. Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you like that.

  6. The Grim Reaper? Tell him Halloween is over!

  7. it is only your mantely problem you have to must consult with  a best saico.

  8. I believe it was.........BIG FOOOOOT

  9. More details are needed....

    how do you know how tall it was? How do you know that it moved faster than a human? If it was always behind you, how did you get such a good look at it? What about it frightened you? Just the way it looked? Did it threaten you or make you feel threatened in any way?

  10. Your shadow.

  11. are you sure you saw it?

    You should try talking to a phychologist

  12. It maybe just your eyes playing tricks on you and just in case check with a doctor but otherwise it could be big foot or some other monster (seriously)

  13. If you really did see this figure seek medical attention immediately..  

       Its probably just your eyes playing tricks on you..

  14. There have been many reports of sightings like that.  Check out  to see if any of these reports sound familiar.

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