
What did my boyfriend mean by this?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike my boyfriend and I were on the phone (as usual) and we started talking about how we sometimes slipped and told people "I love you" accidentally over the phone. (You know, how you tell your parents you love them before you get off of the phone.) A couple of hours later, when we were about to get off of the phone, he said, "You're not going to slip and say I love you?" I paused for a minute and said, "No."

We've been going out since June 15. We're both 14. I do think I love him, but haven't said "I love you" because I don't want to scare him or anything. Lol. He said it again today, and I almost said, "Only if you do." but didn't. I just said, "No." I DO want to tell him "I love you" but don't want to scare him. Does he want me to say that to him? Or is he just playing around with me?




  1. I think it's a little bit early (just in my opinion) but if it is genuinely how you feel go ahead & tell him. Don't just tell him because he wants to hear it or doesn't want to hear it, just tell him how you feel. & if he doesn't say it back, make sure you assure him that it's alright if he doesn't feel the same way, but you just wanted him to know and you won't say it all the time to make him feel uncomfortable. But just tell him. You have nothing to lose .. don't let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game!

    <3 GOOD LUCK <3

  2. ..wayyy too young! You could get into a whole lotta trouble!

    Like this type from another asker on here:

  3. He is a boy and he is 14, no, he dosen't want you to say it.

  4. hahah aaww... you havnt even been dating 2 monthes.... your so young.. how cute!

  5. you are to young to be talking about love!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Sorry but after one month of talking on the phone or what you would like to call "dating", you don't love someone. You won't even be with this kid in another six months. Don't use those words, they can cause a lot of damage to kids your age.

  7. you don't love him.

    Your 14.

    When you that young its not love, its affection yes, but not real love.

    Its half way between "love" and "like".

    Neither of you will really mean it if you say "I love you", alot of young couples do because they think they are supposed to.

    Dont make him your world, take it slow.

  8. I wouldn't say that you love him... because no offense, but from experience, you probably won't even remember his name when you're older. You are a little young to be saying that and meaning it. But, if you really feel strongly that you love him, wait until the right moment, and if he doesn't accept it, then you will know the way he feels about you.

  9. Well, the more accurate term is infatuation. Or, he's telling you things to butter you up to get get you to do something.

    Yeah, not him, right? Yes, he's playing around. That's what kids do. Dating is for finding your life mate. Before you are prepared for marriage, it's playing around. LIke playing house and doctor.

    Show me a 14 year old boy who says it for any other reason than to get physical and I'll kiss your bum on Main Street and give you an hour to draw a crowd.

    Watch your cookies, kid.


    call him this.

    "hello" - him.

    "hey" - you.

    "whats up?" - him

    "i just called to say i love you" - you.

    "i love you too"

    he should think thats amazing.

    i know any of my exboyfriends would have thought that.  

  11. you've only been going out for what 2 months? you dont know you love someone after just two months even if youve known him for a few years before it just dosent happen. i made the mistake of telling my boyfriend of 3 months that i loved him but like 4 months later i regreted it cause i didnt truly mean it. so it pretty much took me 7 months to know that i truly loved him.

  12. what are u talking about you are only 14 you know you love some one when you are 18,19,20. Just stay the way nothing last forever

  13. Sounds like he's trying to get you to say it first. I wouldn't fall for it. He should say it first. And definitely don't say it unless you think you really mean it. Fourteen is truly a little young for real love, but I've been there. I know how it feels and if you feel like it's right to say it then go right ahead. But I would wait until he does first. =)

  14. if you feel you do you should say it(=

  15. He might be playing around with you but still maen it\

    my best answer is that he does mean it

    if u guys kissed then it pretty much okay


  16. it stupid, you both probably don't know what love means or is... it takes a while to find out... just wait

  17. eh you're 14. you're not in love.


  19. I have to agree with Tami, you might think you know what love is like, but you really don't. Sorry.

  20. you guys are too young to be talking about love...

  21. if your not ready to say i love you then dont! you guys havent been dating all that long. love takes time dont rush it.

  22. you r 2 young 2 be talking about love im 26 i was talking about love when i was 17 r 18 so u need 2 back off little girl my daugher is 2 so i will let her have a boyfriend when she iz 16 r 17 but she will not have a baby gurl if u r 14 u r 2 young you could end up having a baby then u will be crazy 14 year old gurl get off of yahoo r stop asking thiz dumb questions and u 2 young

    u crazy

  23. Maybe he was saying it in a playful way so if you rejected him (like you did) he wouldn't be as hurt and embarrassed. It sounds like he's scared too. I would take the leap and go for it.

  24. I've done that before also slipped up and told people I love them when I didn't reall mean to. I think you should wait awhile before you tell him. You guys have only been together not even a month. Wait until you really mean it.. not just think you might.

  25. First of all, you are far too young to be in a relationship and shouldn't be concerning yourself with boys right now.  You should focus on school, as that is your ultimate priority right now thus far in your life.  As for whether or not you should tell him you love him, yes, I think that you should.  If you are going out with him, why wouldn't he want to hear that from you?  Anyway, with that said, I would wait a couple years before you get serious in a relationship with someone.  You aren't ready for adult responsibilities and situations.

  26. If he asks again say "only if you do." Just like you want to.

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