
What did my weird dream mean?

by  |  earlier

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I had a dream I was being bitten and drained (of my blood) by this gorgeous dark-haired vampire. I was, like, limp in his arms.

Later, I was running thru a field and a forest but all the trees and fields were dead. Like the leaves were falling and completely dead and the fields were dry and NO green whatsoever. (not Fall)

Then I saw the ppl from my church standing around 2gether and they were crying and our pastor (a stoic dude) shed some tears and we were amazed at that and I cried rlly hard and my mom went over to the pastor and wiped his tears with a hankie. I had NO idea y we were crying tho.

three part dream (all in one night)

what do you think it meant?




  1. it means that you are the one people are crying for. you died because of that vampire. you were witnessing your own funeral. i think this means that you are watching your life go down in the drains, such as taking drugs, acting out, losing your education. something is happening in your life that can effect you for the worse and you know it is happening. you need to stop it before you reach your all time low and ruin your life. its a bit specific but im pretty sure thats what it means.

  2. you were finishing the dream..death by vampire is romantic in some ways i guess. Your amazement as to why ppl were crying suggests you didn't know that ppl really do care about you. Since you were running thru dead fields then it suggests you won't be in a nice place..not h**l..just limbo..some ppl believe that it's earth but on a different plane of existence. So for some reason you chose not to cross over the veil to progress.

  3. I suggest that you pray about it and ask Jesus Christ what that dream means.

  4. Vampire: you are possibly intrigued by the thought of being dominated.

    Dead field: you feel that the world around you lacks interest and character, or else you feel separate, ostracized, or lonely and are looking for an escape from that.

    Crying: you sympathize with the problems of others.

    These are all interpretive guesses - I have no formal training in dream interpretation and can't comment on the more personal significance that these dreams may have because I don't know you.

  5. I think That in your mind the vampie was someone or something in your life and you keep running away

    and the reason you are crying is that vampie was really someone in disguise as something else

    But i think that the "blood" was something important and that someone toke it from you and that the "vampie" is someone that toke it and you were crying because the thing was every important too you

    but i don't know

    Did any of this happen?

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