
What did people do before lawn mowers?

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  1. they didnt care they had more important things to do,like finding food

  2. i remember in the early 40s a man using a scythe to cut his grass, we had a push mower

  3. There have ALWAYS been lawn mowers.

  4. A few decades ago, people used push/rotary blade mowers, the kind that operate on human strength.  Before that, you didn't have large lawns.  If you did, a type of scythe was used by your servants/slaves to cut the lawn to an acceptable height.  Those that were too poor to have servants/slaves, but wanted to keep up appearances, used goats or sheep and put them out to the back pasture before company came.  Goat and sheep droppings make for a very green lawn, btw.  And lack of acceptable help to keep a lawn manicured resulted in beautiful gardens, which *were* much easier to keep up.

  5. no grass-

  6. Raised Goats!

  7. sheep, goats but others beat me to the answer.

  8. chop them down or pull grass or watever plant out,btw people in poorer countries still do now

  9. pass laser beams across grass and it turns it into a uniform height, what else?

  10. sheep

  11. folks didn't keep 'lawns'.... best most folks could hope for was someone coming over and mowing with the haying machine... bush hog... or Paw or one of the boys  and the scythe cut enuff field out for mom to hang out the clothes on a line.... otherwise, around the house was the truck garden out back,some flowers out front, the herbs on the side and the barn and paddock took up the rest of the area nearest the house.... grass wasn't something you really wanted there....

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