
What did people in the dust bowl eat?

by  |  earlier

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Like corn, potatoes....WHAT?




  1. Each other probably.  (I knew somebody was gonna tell you dust).

  2. the bowl full

  3. Gritty Sandwiches.

  4. Same thing people eat now. Just less of it.

  5. dust... anybody?... dust...

  6. People in the dust bowl ate basically what other americans in rural areas ate.  A diet heavy of vegatables and meat and dairy.  Anything you can think of that is not a processed food.  They made their own stuff from scratch mostly.

    The Dust Bowl was more of a geographic and weather phenomena.  In other words, no rain meant the topsoil blew away causing dust storms.  When farms failed catestrphically like this people either starved or moved.  Hence the migration westwward to California etc.

  7. Grapes... of Wrath!

    And normal country foods.

  8. I don't think they could afford to buy liquor. Mostly they ate what they could grow, or what they had "canned" before the dust bowl began. They also hunted and ate rabbits, squirrels, possum, etc. Most, like poor people in the US today, they at whatever they could find and/or had money to buy.

  9. do you mean before it was a dust bowl?

    Corn, wheat.

    now what ever  they can get shipped in

  10. french fries- they're made out of potatoes. :P

  11. corn n wheat was their main crops.

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