
What did people use before traffic lights were around?

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What did people use before traffic lights were around?




  1. Traffic lights were first used in 1920 (Michigan U.S.A.?) and even then there were not that many vehicles on the road, so they just simplyfied what was previouslly 'common sense'.

  2. We have lots of junctions in Guernsey where we don't have traffic lights but have 'filters in turn' which means people take  it in turns to go through - it works really well and as soon as a set of traffic lights go out of action for whatever reason, people automatically revert to filter in turn and it works perfectly.

  3. There wasn't the volume of traffic that there is today.  In the 1950s the roads were practically clear in roads away from main roads.  On main roads you could cross quite safely.  It was bliss.  Buses ran frequently and on time.  They had a driver and conductor and people knew how to behave.  People gave way at junction, so traffic lights weren't needed.

  4. You had trained police officers and their duty was called "Point Duty" from their wrists to their elbows they had gauntlet style cuffs with black and white stripes. you can still see them at busy junctions in Rome, Italy. Yes, it is like putting your own life on the line! Sometimes a whistle would be blown if you had made a mistake, yep, and they did get knocked over.

  5. Well said, Ian. They stopped and looked. Now people rarely stop even at red lights.

  6. A combination of 'common sense' and visual acuity.

    Ever noticed that when the traffic lights are broken, the traffic flows more freely?

  7. Ian beat me to it so I will add "courtesy" as well.

  8. Horses

  9. Their eyes and ears mainly to check if someone else was on the road.  As there were few cars around this was quite easy. Also cars were very noisy and smelly so easy to spot.

  10. ha - I was just going to say common sense. But I would also add manners.

  11. Before traffic lights OHIO , { 19 20's??} , in some towns you had to have a person walk or run ahead of you to clear the way, and before that you rode your horse .

  12. probably went so slowly that it didn't matter

  13. Traffic cops in the middle of an intersection.

  14. They didn't use anything, they just stopped and yielded for each other I think

  15. Common sense.

  16. Caution and common sense.

  17. They had traffic police stand in the road waving their arms about.

  18. Trained otters used to stand at junctions and direct traffic.

  19. In some areas, like downtown area's they did have traffic police for daytime, but in the evening it was each lane take a turn system. In smaller suburbia area's, traffic stop signs were mostly used,,which made for a lot of stop and go.

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