
What did princess diana's remains look like after she had the car crash?

by  |  earlier

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was she bleeding all over

i heard that she could talk




  1. Disintegral.

  2. Why would you want to know such a thing? Does it really matter?  The end result is going to be the same.

  3. That is just gross!

  4. What the h**l kind of question is that?

  5. Why on earth would you even want to know that!!!!

  6. The answer from Rogue is spot on. May I just add, and I have mentioned this in another answer, that Diana's face was untouched by the crash.

    I think you just want to be reassured that her beauty remained.

  7. I believe her injuries were mostly internal.

  8. Not really sure why your getting all the bs for asking a simple question.

    She looked just like she normally did. Her injuries were internal, so there was no blood. An investigation of those around at the time said she did not speak to anyone.

    As for what she looked like...try this link its the last photo released of her. They say all others were taken.

  9. Diana — unbelted in the back seat- slid forward during the impact and, having been violently thrown around the interior, "submarined" under the seat in front of her, suffering massive damage to her heart and subsequent internal bleeding. She was eventually, after considerable delay, transported by ambulance to the Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière, but on the way she went into cardiac arrest twice.

    talk i dun think so .... n stop talking about her like tat ...

    albeit her personal character she was sumone who really wanted to make a change in the world

  10. why in the world would you want to know that?..people like you are sick. Its people like you that keep the Tabloid Industry profitable.The paparazzi working for those tabloids were the ones chasing her car. If they had not been chasing her she would be alive today. Because of this, people like you have some blame in what happened to her.

  11. Lord give me strength! Why don't you just go work at a mortuary.

  12. You are a sick person. That is disgusting. You should be ashamed to ask such a thing! She should be remembered and thought of how she was when she was alive, a very beautiful, wonderful woman.

  13. This question is uncalled for; I can't believe someone would ask such a thing.

  14. Happy little ray of sunshine, aren't you ? Have you got the reaction you were looking for?

  15. Go in your room and pray. You need some help sweety.

  16. What a sick question.  You should be reported for abuse and, forever removed from this forum.  Sneak back into that little hole of a mind that you live in.

  17. ew just sick!

  18. I donno ..but why are u curious ? Is it important?

    She is dead..and so will  all of us be. Dont take me wrong. But , i think no one including would hate to be talked of what happened few min before u passed away. maybe u are just curious and keeping that in my mind i say ..that we dunno for sure not unless we are the Angels.

  19. Morbid much?

  20. That question really doesn't deserve an answer.  Just use your imagination.

  21. Uh oh.  I thought people like you were make believe, like the bloody tooth fairy with pliers and a subscription.

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