
What did really destroy The World Trade Center 09/11 ?

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Let see... some Israelis were celebrating and they were on camera, but the media ignored it.

False Flag Operation... hmmm Ariel Sharon wnated to destroy evidence of corruption...

Steel melted.... what melted it?

w/ ICE?

My question is: Is our new President going to tell the truth or is he going to lie like Bush?




  1. I'm not sure what sort of stuff (C4, thermite, Thermate... etc...)

    but the World Trade Center buildings had help.

    Its a VERY unlikely scene that 3 steel framed buildings should "Collapse" as they did, 3 buildings totally destroyed, not just damaged but destroyed!

    What are the odds?  I can't say as I know HOW it was done, but it was NOT jet fuel fires and aircraft crashes that destroyed WTC7 (or the Twin Towers)

    There is a LOT that is VERY SUSPICIOUS about this entire scene!

    and as we all know,

    the emperor is NAKED!


  2. i sneezed really hard,and down it went.sorry-but i always have allergies in september.ooooh,lets see-"ariel sharon", and "arielle",yahoo answers-ok conspiracy theorists-do u see a connection ???????

  3. The steel didn't melt to pure liquid you numbnut. It only needed to melt to the point where it was structurally damaged and didn't have the strength to hold the portion of building where the planes hit or anything above it. Steel loses about 50 percent of its strength at 1100°F. It wasn't just the jet fuel burning either, combustible material like carpet, curtains, furniture and paper can create pockets of fire that can get up to 1800°F. Do some research Pedro.

  4. Two planes flew into the WTC,you saw it live. And how could Bush devise this plan.....all you libs say he is a moron. Do you think it is funny to disrespect all the people that were killed that day,just because they went to work? Wow you are one compassionate person.

  5. Are you psychic or psychotic? There is argument for both.

  6. *sigh* Bush destroyed the towers...yada yada yada...Bush lied, people died...yada yada yada...we went to war for oil...yada yada yada...big businesses are the terrorists; led by big oil and George Bush...yada yada yada...they want to take away our rights and condemn us all to slavery...yada yada yada...they create terrorists in the Middle East, NASA has a climate machine which they are using to cause global warming, more tornados and hurricanes under the orders of Bush...yada yada yada...they all want to kill your children, pollute your rivers, burn black churches, and anything else that will keep you fearful and easier to control...yada yada yada, we are all evil and condemend to life in h**l when the devil Bush kills us all...yada yada yada...only evil people seek to better themselves and setting goals...yada yada yada...*sigh*

    Same s**t, different day.

    If you don't like it, I hear Al Qaeda's looking for a few good men/women/children.

  7. I'm getting pretty sick and tired of the conspiracy threads to 9/11 on YA.

    No-one except the media has reported anything about "melted steel"

    In no instance did NIST report that steel in the WTC towers melted due to the fires. The melting point of steel is about 1,500 degrees Celsius (2,800 degrees Fahrenheit). Normal building fires and hydrocarbon (e.g., jet fuel) fires generate temperatures up to about 1,100 degrees Celsius (2,000 degrees Fahrenheit). NIST reported maximum upper layer air temperatures of about 1,000 degrees Celsius (1,800 degrees Fahrenheit) in the WTC towers (for example, see NCSTAR 1, Figure 6-36).

    However, when bare steel reaches temperatures of 1,000 degrees Celsius, it softens and its strength reduces to roughly 10 percent of its room temperature value. Steel that is unprotected (e.g., if the fireproofing is dislodged) can reach the air temperature within the time period that the fires burned within the towers. Thus, yielding and buckling of the steel members (floor trusses, beams, and both core and exterior columns) with missing fireproofing were expected under the fire intensity and duration determined by NIST for the WTC towers.

    UL did not certify any steel as suggested. In fact, in U.S. practice, steel is not certified at all; rather structural assemblies are tested for their fire resistance rating in accordance with a standard procedure such as ASTM E 119 (see NCSTAR 1-6B). That the steel was “certified ... to 2000 degrees Fahrenheit for six hours” is simply not true.

    Please read the full question and answers from the NIST investigation

  8. Man with questions and doubts like this who needds enemies! Don't we have enough to deal with that we have to listen to this- th eonly thing th egovernment failed to do was listen to many FBI agents report about this attack adn take it seriously. THey under estimated the crazy in Bin Laden everything else is bunch of ------!

  9. I don't see how anyone can ignore the fact that two airliners crashed into the building.  I am not a structural engineer, but it seems logical that two large aircraft filled with jet fuel, would create a lot of damage due to the impact of that amount of mass, plus the added destructive force of the burring fuel.  I don't know where people get the idea that somebody put explosives in the building.

    Obviously, someone could have put explosive charges in contact with the major structural supporting members, but then, what would have been the purpose of the air planes?  It is well established that Middle Eastern terrorists were flying the aircraft.  Why do people insist that the buildings were brought down in another manner?

    The questions we should be asking is;  why were the FBI reports of known terrorist receiving flying lessons ignored?  The 302's (agent's reports) should be examined by a Congressional Committee (not the Justice Department) to determine who failed to act on this information.  

    This should have been done with the Murrah Building attack, rather than to allow the Justice Department to obfuscate the situation.  Congress doesn't seem to want to get involved.  They just want to stay fat, dumb and happy.

  10. We won't know never an official truth

    it will be X files like JFK

  11. For about the 1,000,001th time, the combined effect of the impact ( akin to an earthquake in the sky ), the heat from the burning jet fuel, along with the lack of firefighting personnel & water eventually took both towars down.

    Now before you go on a tangent that fire cannot melt girders & all, wrong, but then the WTC did not have girders ( unlike the Empire State Building, which was also hit by a aircraft ), but rather a lattice like structure upon which concrete was poured.

    Now, if you was ever able to look at these structures before the concrete was poured, you will see there is not a whole h**l of a lot to them ( as the strength they have is in the actual design  ), & over these are placed gavanized sheets of steel, onto which the concrete is then poured.

    Once the heat resistant coating on these structures was burned off, this left not only the strutcures themselves, but the sheet metal and bottom of the concrete floors totally exposed to the high temps, eventually causing them and the building to fail.

    This stuff is not exactly rocket science son, so I fail to see why so many people have trouble accepting the truth that       the 911 attacks caused the destruction, and not some government/Jewish conspiracy, which is a not too subtle racist view BTW.

    A ). I have only your word that Israelis was celebrating 911.

    B ). Claiming Sharon destroyed evidence without proof is specualtion at best.

    C ). Hardly anything burns hotter than jet fuel, and technicallly while the design of the WTC was sound, it was not built to with stand atacks such as was done, much less the intense heat.

    D ). Again you surmise that the current president is lying, but again with no proof to support your alligations, unless you want to cite Michael Moore's flick, LOL

    Most of which has since been proven as wrong, just like you, BTW, LOL

  12. It ashamed that people like you are always questioning the government and the leader. Hey first did you not see the planes flying into the building. Second yes the steel melted due to the fire cause by the planes explosion. And when the fire is growing hotter it makes anything around it hotter. Thus causing the metal to weaken due to heat. But hey if you don't like this country and always looking for the fault it is a free country and your welcome to move at anytime.

  13. only thermite used in the explosions could have actually caused the steel to melt, some have described them as 'mini nukes'

    molten steel can be seen dripping from one of the towers just before it fell & the clean-up are witnesses to having seen molten steel

    i can't believe what sheeple are saying here!

    i'm no 'terrible conspiracy theorist', i just have a brain & can put 2 + 2 together, that & the fact it's just painfully obvious how & why the us govt did it

    i don't disrepect the people who died by saying this - they deserve the truth

    what do you think of this?

  14. You want the truth about 911 ????

    HERE GOES   --  Ultra - tolarance and political correct behavior.

    That about it , in a nut shell.

  15. Two jet airplanes, laden with tons of highly flammable fuel, traveling at over 500 mph.

    Add the mass, velocity and effects of the fuel, and you have a tremendous amount of force.

  16. falling structures do not pulverize concrete, but explosives do

  17. Planes and jet fuel. The steel didn't melt, it was heated to a point that it lost it's tensile strength and ability to support the load above it.

  18. Airplanes flew into the World Trade Center.  They were equipped with enough gas to make it from new York to California.  When steel get's hot enough it weakens.  How do you thik steel is formed into different shapes?  Several were already damaged from the initial impacts from the planes, the rest were weakened and eventually collapsed.  

    "What melted it?.....  W/ICE?"  what are you talking about?

    You're way out in left field somewhere aren't you?

  19. Do you wear tin foil lined hats? Christ on a crutch but you sound like a anti-Semitic conspiracy nut. Do you have a degree in Engineering, or Metallurgy? If not then let me suggest that you take a few courses in the latter. You will learn very quickly that the jet fuel will ignite both the magnesium and Aluminum in the jet aircraft. Aluminum burns at just over 3500 degrees F. That is darn sure enough to melt the remaining structural steel in the towers that was intact. that on top of the damaged structure would have never held the remainder of the building to gather.

  20. It was planned and executed by the mafioso currently residing within the walls of the White House. These criminals will not escape justice. People are on to them and will soon make them pay dearly for this outrage. Unfortunately, the new President will be working for the same old rotten people hiding behind the scenes today, and he will be just a new puppet following their orders. All we can expect is more lies from these lying traitors to humanity.

    Perhaps there is still some hope if Obama gets the nod, but I would be very much surprised if he dared to expose the corruption within the government as it would need a noble virtuous man of extraordinary courage and determination to even contemplate such a dangerous enterprise. Whether or not Obama fits that description is unknown at present, but I would deem it highly unlikely. But there is still some hope with him, at least compared to the other alternatives - Ron Paul excluded (he would of course be the best choice of the lot).

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