
What did shaq eat as a kid to grow so big but light?

by Guest59077  |  earlier

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What did shaq eat as a kid to grow so big but light?




  1. Liquid awesome.

  2. African Americans = knee-grows. Chuck gotten 5-6 inches taller in one summer... Obviously his knee-grows.

  3. 1. as big as he is he probably ate somethin like 7 sets of ribs a day.

    2.WHAT DO YOU MEAN LIGHT???!!! what is shaq, like 350 lbs? i dunno where you got light from.


  5. Since when is Shaq light? He weights more then Yao and Yao has 5 inches on him.

  6. lite???? WTF

  7. his own s***n...actually

  8. Smoked alot of herb and ate vedgetables, oh and he's black.

  9. food.

  10. He ate too much chicken nuggets because Shaq loves beating the Nuggets, and has a nugget party. He hogs all the nuggets which are 1000 nuggets

  11. that was in his genes and that is how he got there his parents must be tall and stuff and hes lke them. take care you take care.

  12. Shaq weighed 300 lbs when he was a rookie and his body fat was reportedly only 2%.  All the fast food and fatty lifestyle came after that.

  13. Genetics did it.

  14. vegetables.

  15. Well technically, he didn't eat. He drank... a lot. He drank a lot of Diesel. Which, in turn, gave him the nickname "Big Diesel" or simply "The Diesel".

  16. it's called genes

  17. wtf u tailkin about clown???

  18. IN-N-OUT?

  19. cotton candy

  20. What did shaq eat as a kid to grow so big but light

  21. calcium foods, like milk make you grow tall and keep you lean.

  22. shaq is not light.

  23. Award goes to one of the most random questions I've heard tonight lol

  24. Vitamin Water

  25. the same things you eat. its just genetics

  26. food...water..u know the essentials lol

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