
What did she take?

by Guest56054  |  earlier

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my friend was drinking a little and she threw up in a bathroom and an older layde gave her a pill and told her it would make her feel better she was an idiot when it hit her she couldent talk walk and she'd keep falling a sleep she had no idea what was going on the layde was old who gave it to her and ideas what it was?




  1. It was possibly a cyanide capsule.

  2. Could have been an Aspirin and your friend was just drunk.  Your friend should not take medication that is not prescribed to her.  Especially while drinking.

  3. prolly ghb i dunno go to the hospital and see if they can do blood work and find out the substance that was given to your friend.

  4. Gravol maybe?  Gravol normally makes you  sleepy and mixed with alcohol it will probably make you unconscious.   It is an "over the counter medication" for nausea and vomiting.  

    Moral of the not take unknown medication from elderly ladies especially if you and or the elderly lady are intoxicated.

  5. probably phenergran...its for upset stomach but can make you sleepy and alcohol intensifies the effect...kinda like taking a bunch of benedryl

  6. theres alot of pills that could of done that to her it also could of been just because she was drunk but she still should of not taken that pill if she didnt know what it was

  7. xanex makes u sleepy and relaxed. maybe it was that.
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