
What did the Cro-Magnon people look like?

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What did the Cro-Magnon people look like?




  1. The first answer was saying that experts don't like using the term any longer because it makes people think that there was something different about them than other people at that time but they were not different. They received a name because they were early Europeans and Europe was where the study of anthro started. The difference was stronger bones than ours but they lived a more physical life.

  2. short stocky,low browed with thicker limbs

  3. Look in a mirror, your ancestors were Cro-Magnon, who replaced the Neanderthal, then the modern Homo-Sapiens.

  4. The Cro-Magnum looked very similar to us. Dressed in modern clothes they could probably walk down the street unnoticed.

  5. They were modern H. sapiens.  Put any of them on a street today, dressed in current clothes, and they would attract no more notice than anyone else.


  6. i don't know

  7. Strapping great specimens of modern humans, with good teeth, and muscles like a body builder. No sugar, good nutrition and a lot of exercise. They were a bit taller than the average European is today(males 6ft 4), but with similar skull shapes, just a little more robust than now. So, a bit like the Swedish rugby player.

  8. like us

  9. To quote the Oxford Companion to Archaeology:

    "The term 'Cro-Magnon' has no formal taxonomic status, since it refers neither to a species or subspecies nor to an archaeological phase or culture. The name is not commonly encountered in modern professional literature in English, since authors prefer to talk more generally of anatomically modern humans. They thus avoid a certain ambiguity in the label 'Cro-Magnon', which is sometimes used to refer to all early moderns in Europe (as opposed to the preceding Neanderthals), and sometimes to refer to a specific human group that can be distinguished from other Upper Paleolithic humans in the region. Nevertheless, the term 'Cro-Magnon' is still very commonly used in popular texts because it makes an obvious distinction with the Neanderthals, and also refers directly to people rather than to the complicated succession of archaeological phases that make up the Upper Paleolithic. This evident practical value has prevented archaeologists and human paleontologists - especially in continental Europe - from dispensing entirely with the idea of Cro-Magnons. "

    In short they looked like humans do today. They may have been a tendency for bigger brains and be a bit more robust but that's it.

  10. I saw a cave burial site in Eastern Europe of two males and one female, dating back 25,000 years.

    The males both measured 6'6" (2m), and the female was 5'10" (180cm?).

    These people had to kill mastadons, and wooly Rhinocerous to eat.

    Think of Arnold Schwartzeneggar!

  11. Generic Europeans with a strong build, but not significantly different from any of today's humans. They are an extinct race, but not a separate species. If you look at paintings which show ancient Egyptians and Romans, you won't find people around today who look exactly like them either, but you wouldn't give them a second look if one of them sat down on the bus next to you and asked you about the weather.

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