
What did the Democrat-controlled Congress do this week to lower the price of gasoline?

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On Monday, President Bush lifted an executive order banning offshore drilling.

On Tuesday the price of a barrel fell $6.44.

On Wednesday it fell $4.14.

On Thursday it fell $5.31.

Today it is down 41 cents.

The Executive Branch is doing its job, but what is the Democrat-controlled Congress doing to ease the burden of high gasoline prices on the American people?




  1. We wouldn't be in this mess if the GOP controlled senate had not ignored this looming problem for 7 years.

    It's WAY too late to pin this on Dems. The Dems have gotten many energy bills through the house, but they are stonewalled in the GOP controlled senate.

    Bush has wanted nothing to do with energy until now.

  2. You left out the part where it rebounded 10 dollars...

    That's called market volatility...and in no way a direct correlation to Bush lifting an executive order.

    You like saying "Democrat-controlled Congress" if it's all Dems in congress... what do they have...2 or 3 more seats than Republicans right now ? now thats some control... we should blame them for everything...

    moron alert !

    you also left out the part where people like Phil Gramm (McCain's economic advisor), helped cause the high prices by something called... THE ENRON LOOPHOLE !!!

    You succeeded in bringing to attention, yet another reason not to vote for McCain...  thanks for that...

  3. They have done the same thing they have done since they got into power NOTHING, the only thing they have done is raise the min.wage which put more people out of work.

  4. until December you wont see any effort that will in anyway make the president look good and any other republican. this is the problem with Election years the nation is harmed because the parties cant and wont make consesions for fear of loosing points toward realection. this time its the Democrats that want the shooting match and as usual We are suffering for it. the prices are falling because the speculators liked hearing the president lift the ban. when they realize that Palouzy wants to slam on his breaks it will likely stop dropping and maybe climb a bit again.

  5. 1. They said no to drilling.

    2. They continued to say no to nuclear.

    3. Some reaffirmed the notion that coal cannot be clean.

    4. They listened how ALGORE claimed that using his ideas, like the Internet, solar, wind and hydro power will free us from  oil dependence in just 10 years.

    5. They coined the phrase dont tax what you earn, tax what you burn.

    All of this my friend is why oil came down in price. The world became fearful of ALGOREs plan to eliminate destructive oil.

    The world is NOT LAUGHING AT US, stop thinking that. We do not need oil anymore. Wind will power our vehicles from now.

    I have applied for a patent for a polyethylene sail/tarp that truckers can use to harness the power of the wind to move 80,000 pounds uphill against the wind, as long as they have a miracle. Its a great idea. And its biodegradable, in just 175 short years you wont know it was ever here.

    See, my tarp alone will provide 100,000 new jobs to people in low income neighborhoods if the Gov will just grant me 25 million dollars to pay for it.  If Bush wasn't too busy robbing us blind and spying on us, this would work.  But he doesn't want to save the planet.  He is the devil.

  6. Not a darn thing. And for the record McCain has yet to sign on to one of the bills to at least bring to a vote some of the legislation that is sitting out there in committee to a vote.

    McCain and Obama are senators who keep talking about what they will do to make it better when they are president, what are they doing now. These are senators for crying out loud.

  7. And in an election year, no less!

  8. just what i expected them to do ...nothing

  9. Well Nancy Pe LOUSY will do nothing to help us!  She is h**l bent on ruining the economy!  President Bush was right on when he said lifting the ban and drilling would not change the amount of oil we have right now, but it WILL change the psychology of the speculators etc!  Also, I guarantee if you started drilling domestically, OPEC would drop prices so fast your head would spin!  Without us buying their oil, those countries have absolutely no prospect for income!  So go ahead, vote democrat this election and we will wait ANOTHER 20 years before we drill!

  10. Really, that naive????

    First, the Congress has not agreed to drilling off Florida and the Arctic.  The drilling ban is still in place.

    Second, and most important, oil speculation had been dropping the price of oil weeks before dumbya spoke.  It only rose slightly after Iran launched test missiles, causing potential instability in the region (which is funny....when has the middle east been stable?).

    Perhaps the price of oil is dropping because the need for it has dropped off.  $4+ a gallon gas in the U.S. means people are driving less and buying less oil products.  Simply put, the price dropped so that oil could be sold.

    Your President is a lame duck...will do nothing...THANK GOD!  HE HAS DONE ENOUGH.

  11. OPEC is afraid that high prices will force oil addicted Americans to drive more energy efficient cars and find new alternative renewal sources of energy.  We can't dissapoint Hugo Chaves or Mahmood Abedinejad can we? What type of car do you drive? If it is gas-guzzler, you have no right to complain. You have been enriching tyrants for years.

    The price of gas is still too low.  Gasoline should not be lower than $4.50 per gallon nor should petrol be lower than $125 per barrel.  We need to end our addiction.

  12. I wouldn't give Bush the credit for the sudden drop. Offshore drilling doesn't have that quick of an effect. But I do see your point, all Congress did this week was insult the President. They didn't make the drastic changes they promised.

  13. user 2000 and greentadpole are right on track.  Conservation by the American public and Opec are what controls oil prices,  not empty words from Bush.  He also said we'd have a moon base by 2011 that doesn't mean its gonna happen.  Congress has the final say so and even after they do its not like oil rigs are going to appear in full production off the coasts overnight!

  14. Pelosi wants to tap our strategic oil reserves. Which are reserved for national emergencies.  She obviously thinks the democrats loosing position on drilling is an emergency.

    Using strategic reserves is like taking the equity ouf of your house to pay for a tank of gas.

  15. Sat on their thumbs and waited for the winds of CHANGE!!

    They stink!!!

  16. Let me see, Ummm, told us we need to stop driving so much,

    Umm that there is magically going to be something in 10 years that replaces the Internal combustion engine, and that we will be better off living in the dark ages

  17. They checked the air pressure in the tires of their great big Limousines.

    Oh yeah, and they pointed fingers and blamed everyone else for our fuel prices.

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