
What did the Democrat-controlled Congress with a 9% approval rating do this week about the high cost of gas?

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Anything at all?

Besides bloviate?




  1. nothing - just like with every other important issue that is facing Americans.

    I did hear that Kucinich is bringing up impeachment talk again. That will really help this country's economic crisis - NOT!

  2. TOOK A VACATION FOR ONE THING................

  3. There are a lot of people that see things your way. The only thing is that we are not looked upon as U.S. citizens but as a bother to these pumped up lawyers that seem to have a lot of "interests" we are not privey to. A movement of maximum proportions is on the horizon. Check us out at We are just concerned Americans looking out for our offspring and America as a whole. (We have been ousted by Yahoo for not following their rules three times now, so hopefully you can recieve this.)

  4. they all agreed that oil is evil and shouldn't exist. They want to get rid of it as soon as possible. Dinggy harry Reid. What a moron.

  5. They said, "Oh look! It went up another $4 per barrel yesterday! Isn't that precious?"

  6. Nothing...and they're not going to either!

    They did approve the 'Warrantless Wiretapping Bill' which not only extends the policy they claimed to be against...but also protects Phone Companies from prosecution if they comply!

    Those RETARDs also claimed that they would end the Iraq addition to lowering Gas Prices if they were put in charge of Congress.

  7. the individual members of congress have higher ratings than the Congress itself, in fact, most have higher approval ratings than your beloved president.  At least they didn't have oil executives write environmental policies like they did during 2001-2006.

  8. well Kucinich tried the impeachment thing again.  They passed the new FISA bill

  9. They didn't do anything about the high cost of gas.  The Republicans didn't either.  Bush and Cheney didn't either.  The supreme court and the senate didn't either.  None of them did anything and none of them will do anything.  Why?  The oil corporations own and operate the federal government (both parties).  They like high oil prices because they make them richer.

  10. Nope, nothing.  However, the Dems did let Kuncinich bring up impeachment charges against Bush.  That really helps.

  11. Not a darn thing. They have there heads in the sand, thinking the American people are too stupid to see that they are standing in the freakin way.

    Let's what are democrats for when it comes to our energy needs?

    Building nuclear power plants? Well, no.

    We have a butt load of coal. Are Democrats for building clean coal fired power plants? Well, no.

    We have a million upon millions of oil WE own. Have the democrats made it easier to go get it? Well, no.

    Have the democrats offered a single solution in two years? Why yes. Yes they have.

    Tax to people that sell us the oil and research an alternative that they have no idea exists yet.

    Nuclear, Coal and Oil. All things that will solve the problem today. That we know works today. And the Democrat's solution?

    Do nothing hoping we come up with a better idea some day.

    That helps prevent $5.00/gallon gas...


    I'd rather have Oil Executives write the Energy bill. At least I'd now someone is willing to sell me something to power my car. h**l, if the Oil Exec's had written the energy bill, I'm sure they be drilling in my back yard if it had oil.

    Instead Democrats are preventing them form finding more oil to sell me. Democrats want the oil company to figure out how to run my house off of solar panels.

    That's like making Taco Bell sell me hot dogs.... They don't freakin make hot dogs.

  12. Didn't they have a council or something about controlling the climate?

    I thought they were supposed to separate church and state- isn't it unconstitutional for them to act like they are God?

    They did nothing to lower gas prices though, everytime they meet about climate control, gas prices go up though.

  13. diddly squat - the Washington weasels are sitting on their @sses while we pay over $4.40/gallon for gas.  

    When was the last time these idiots filled up their car? When was the last time they actually drive themselves someplace instead of having a driver shuttle them around, paid by us?


  14. Let the new revolution begin! Democrats caused the gas to spike. When they took over is was $ 1.85 gallon. They hate America.

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