
What did the McCain camp think would happen when the press found out about Palin's daughter?

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McCain says he knew about the pregnancy and people shouldn't attack Palin for it and all that. But seriously, what did his campaign think would happen after the press eventually found out. Of course the press is going to ask a bunch of questions about it. It's going to be in the headlines. Bloggers are going to blog about it.

The 2003 invasion of Iraq looks more strategic than this...




  1. Im thinking there were a bunch of guys, sitting around a bunch of computers, who made a bunch of spreadsheets, that compared numerous demographics, and then they gave him a brightly colored pie chart.  

  2. mccain didn't know about the pregnancy until friday night, after he had already announced his vp

  3. it seems McCain's team is Teflon...........

    nothing hurts is amazing

  4. Guess it was not that important,he picked her... Will you people PLEASE find  a new smear,you are repeating yourselves.

  5. It shouldn't matter! it wasn't Sarah Palin that got pregnant.  but I'm happy that Bristol is being mature and getting married to her live, and will raise the child.  

  6. They think that it will blow away.  

  7. The other night, I said to my wife, "You know how McCain could really give Obama a run for his money? He could choose a black VP." Apparently, McCain wasn't so desperate as to be that blatant, but he chose the next best thing: a woman. Clearly, he hoped to get some of the Clinton supporters he lost to Obama back over to his side. He probably hoped for an increase of support from the conservative and gun-rights groups for him as well. He wanted it so badly, that he rationalized away this giant albatross. Now he may be in trouble again.

    Personally, I don't care about Palin's daughter either way, everybody makes mistakes, but that is one KICK-A** avatar, my friend.

    Obama '08

  8. McCain was hoping that the press would ignore it--like they ignored all his other past gaffes and flip-flops...

  9. Well Doc i think they made a tremendous miscalculation, they foolishly thought that the decency afforded past Presidential nominees

    would hold fast when it came to the running candidates families, especially there children. Leopards never change there spots , classless is as classless does, Dem's have a lot of Class, problem is

    its all .....................''LOW''

  10. Their front (wo)man spinner said they thought it would be well received and show just how human they are.  

    yeah, right....

  11. Nothing !! ... The daughter is NOT running for office !!

    Obama is going to give our sovereignty over to the United Nations through his Global Poverty Act (S.2433).

    Alaska Govermor Sarah Palin has MORE TOTAL political experience than Obama.


  12. Who really cares about what is going on with her daughter, the real issue here is troopergate.

  13. That the press wouldn't report it because they're in the Republican's pockets

  14. publicity?

  15. No kidding. I hate how McCain supporters are saying that they're happy Bristol is doing the right thing by getting married and being responsible... omg so getting married just because you're having a baby is being responsible? When did we time warp backwards 50 years? I must have missed it...

  16. I know, come on, of course the media is going to say something.  The sheer hypocrisy of it makes it newsworthy.  Disservice to Bristol, but like Palin cares.

  17. I was listing at the news when that announcement was made.  It was even stated about the vice-president candidate family supposing to be christians.   People have to remember, this is election time and anything that can be found or said to damage the people running for office will be broadcast.  I do not agree with the media for what they are doing.  They are not only hurting the mother but the daughter as well.  Just think what the daughter must be going through.  She is not the first female to get pregnant and not married.  I hope the daughter is strong enough to survive what they will say about her.  When Johnson was president one of his daughter was pregnant before she was married. Obama's half brother who he did not really know was brought up.  These things are just another way to smear their campaign. Of course McCain camp knew what would happen but McCain  did not pass judgment on the family nor the daughter for being pregnant and i think that was a good thing.  

  18. Who cares about the press. The key is the voters. I think this pregnancy will actually give Palin more votes. I don't think anyone who was considering voting for her will change their mind over this. To some it will make her more sympathetic and endearing.

  19. He KNOWS it is a non issue.

    What are the issues?  Wait for the debates to find out.

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