
What did the Prophet (PBUH) mean when he said this?

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I leave you 2 weighty things, the Qur'an and my ahle-bayt?

I'm interested in what he meant by the last bit? Did he mean that for today? Did he mean Muslims should look upon the Prophet's family for guidance? I've heard some people have charted down who descends from the Prophet (PBUH)'s family

What do you think he meant?




  1. There's more Riwaayaat that that where he mentioned "My Sunnah".

    And they're authentic riwaayaat.

    What he means by Ahlul Bayt is not worshiping them like the Rawaafidh, nor about guidance but respecting them and not abusing them and not being extreme with them as the Rawaafidh are.

    It really doesnt make a difference if you are from the Prophet's salallaahu alaihi wa salam family. You can still be deviant or kaafir like Abu Jahl or Abu Taalib were.  

  2. This Hadith is not authentic and may have been taken from Shia source. He left two things which are Quran and His Sunnah i.e. authentic Hadiths. This is proved by Quran as well.

    3:32 Say: “pay heed unto God and the Apostle.” And if they turn away - verely, God does not love those who deny the truth.

    About descendants of Prophet Mohammad PBUH, they can be right or wrong as far as they are NOT Prophets and Prophet Mohammad PBUH is the last and final Prophet.

    Being the son/daughter or relative of any person does not matter to Allah if that person is not on right track.

    11:42 And it moved on with them into waves that were like mountains. At that [moment] noah cried out to a son of his, who had kept himself aloof [from the others]: "O my dear son!  Embark with us, and remain not with those who deny the truth!"  

    11:43 [But the son] answered: "I shall betake myself to a mountain that will protect me from the waters." Said [noah]: "Today there is no protection [for anyone] from God's judgment, save [for] those who have earned [His] mercy!" And a wave rose up between them, and [the son] was among those who were drowned.

    11:45 And noah called out to his Sustainer, and said: "O my Sustainer! Verily, my son was of my family;and, verily, Thy promise always comes true, and Thou art the most just of all judges!"

  3. "Certainly my Caliphs and my legatees and the Proofs of Allah upon his creatures after me are twelve. The first of them is my brother and the last of them is my (grand) son."

    He was asked: "O Messenger of Allah, who is your brother?"  

    He said, "Ali ibn Abi Talib"  

    Then they asked, "And who is your son?"  

    The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) replied, "Al Mahdi, the one who will fill the earth with justice and equity like it would be brimming with injustice and tyranny. And by the One Who has raised me as a warner and a give of good tidings, even if a day remains for the life of this world, the Almighty Allah will prolong this day to an extent till he sends my son Mahdi, then he will make Ruhullah 'Isa ibn Maryam (a.s.) to descend and pray behind him (Mahdi). And the earth will be illuminated by his radiance. And his power will reach to the east and the west."

  4. The last sermon of the prophet witnessed by the thousands has three versions. The versions the references are listed below.

    1) I leave with you Quran and Sunnah.

    Muwatta, 46/3

    2) I leave with you Quran and Ahl al-bayt.

    Muslim 44/4, Nu2408; ibn hanbal 4/366; darimi 23/1, nu 3319.

    3) I leave you for the Quran alone you shall uphold it.

    Muslim 15/19, nu 1218; ibn Majah 25/84, Abu dawud 11/56.

    Because the majority of the Muslims follow conjecture (hadith and sunnah) instead of Quran alone (17:46) as our Creator has commanded the "Muslims" are divided into sects. These sects are there because of differences and disagreements on Hadith rather than disagreements over the Quran.

  5. Fatima (as) Ali (as) Hassan (as) Hussain (as).

    The Qur'an states very directly that the Khalifa is appointed by Allah and not by man, for Allah states Himself in Sura Noor, verse 55, that:

    "Allah has promised those of you who believe and do good deeds that He will certainly appoint them Khalifas as he appointed Khalifas those before him."

    The prophet (s) said "Ali is to me like Haroon was to Musa."

    Haroon (as) was Musa (as)'s Brother (19:53), Vizier (20:29-36) and in his absence the Khalifa (7:142). And thus so was Ali (as).

    It was on the day of Ghadhir, shortly before his own departure from this world, that the Holy Prophet drew on the words denoting his own authority as the Khalifa of Allah mentioned above in Sura Al Ahzab, verse 6, in the form of asking the believers "Do I have more right over the believers than they have over themselves?, and when the people cried "Yes O Messenger of Allah" he transferred that authority to Ali (as), with the words

    "Of whomsoever I am his Mawla, Ali is his Mawla (master)."

    Of which there are numerous references, for example Sahih Tirmidhi, Vol. 2, page 298. Allah speaks only of Himself, Mohammad (saws) and Ali (as), the believer who offered his ring in charity while he was in prayer, in 5:55,

    "Only Allah is your Wali and His Messenger and those who believe, those who keep up prayers and pay the poor rate while they bow down."

    It is here in the Ahl-ul-Bait, the purified and specified members of the family of the Holy Prophet, that the lineage of the Khalifatullah continues. Of the Ahl-ul-Bait Allah says in Surah 42, verse 23,

    "Say (O Mohammad): I do not ask of you a wage for this except love of my kinsfolk."

    It is of them that the Holy Prophet (saws) said, drawing an analogy with a Khalifatullah of a previous age, "The example of my Ahl-ul-Bait among you is like the example of Noah's ark. Whoever boards it will attain salvation, whoever fails to do so will drown"

  6. Thank you for your question my sister...

    I think the Prophet said that I am leaving behind two things of the utmost importance. The Qu'ran, which is the Muslim holy book and text and the ahle-bayt, or the five holy people. The part on the ahle-bayt also proves Imam Ali's right as the successor to the Prophet as a guide and leader for the Muslim community because he was appointed to lead the Muslims at ghdire-kumb and is part of the ahle-bayt, meaning Muslims should follow Imam Ali and those that came after him through the process of sucession.

    Why do I have a thumbs down?

  7. revelation and his deeds.

    Please love me and everybody

  8. Hi. Well I asked for some help on this and as I understand it, the two things left behind are the needful things to understand and grow in Islam.

    1. The Holy Quran

    2. Ahle-Bayt (meaning the people of the house) = the followers of Isalm

    In Arabic,

    Ahle means people, society or group of

    Bayt means house

    I do not know, and I guess no one knows if he meant blood relatives or the "family" of Muslim brothers and sisters.

    So, with the Quran and by learning Islam through good Muslims and Imams, we hold our destiny with the two "weighty" (for me meaning "important and critical" things by which to learn and live by.

  9. that was for a specific and exact condition, he said that to people of madina when he was leaving somewhere (i don't remember).

    no one is charted down to no Prophet, if God wanted him to have kings from his descendant he would have given him SONS.


    @FTL (Turba Charged)

    and of course we have to take your word for it?

    you gotta be kidding me !!!

  10. He meant exactly wat "FTL (Turba Charged)" said.

  11. For what I understand, it is quran and hadis. Quran, is the thing that you read and hadis is the thing that you practiced based on what the prophet had done before.

  12. “I am going to leave with you two heavy burdens. The first of them is the Book of Allah: in it is the true guidance and the light. Therefore, hold fast to it.” Then he (the Prophet) prompted and induced the Muslims to adhere to the Book of God. Then he said: “And my household. I remind you of Allah in matters relating to my household. I remind you of Allah in matters relating to my household. I remind you of Allah in matters relating to my household.”

    This version has been reported (with very minor variations, if any) in Sahih Muslim, Musnad Ahmad, Sunan Daarimiy, and others. In Sahih Muslim #5922, we also find that the following was said: “The Book of Allah contains right guidance, the light, and whoever adheres to it and holds it fast, he is upon right guidance and whosoever deviates from it goes astray.”

    The Qur'an is a guidance, which we must hold onto ( or strictly adhere to ) or else we will go astray.

    The prophet Mohammad ( saw ) was reminding us to look after his family and treat them well ( respecting them ), after he was gone.

  13. I believe it has something to do with the Mahdi.  Who was supposed to be a direct male descendent of Mohammed.

    Which isn't going to happen now.

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