
What % did the UK agree to cut its emissions at the Kyoto protocol?

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What % did the UK agree to cut its greenhouse gas emissions at the Kyoto protocol in 1997




  1. Great Brittan's target was 12.5% under the Kyoto protocol.[1] It is one of the few (only?) countries to have exceed its own target.

  2. Interestingly the UK's ability to easily meet the target was driven by events that would have occurred anyway and not and positive action by the government or citizens.  The so called 'rush to gas' in power generation was due to the availability of cheap North Sea natural gas and a big switch away from the greater CO2 emitting and more expensive coal fired stations.  New technology in the form of very large gas turbines combined with steam generation from turbine exhaust giving combined gas and steam turbine generation at very high efficiency.  It will be much harder for the UK in the future, especially as UK gas fields are declining.


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