
What did the beatles mean by "yellow submarine"?

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What did the beatles mean by "yellow submarine"?




  1. i always thought yellow was for happyness

    submerians drowned so its drowned happyness but there on for the adventure

  2. At the time the song came out, there was an assumption that the phrase referred to smoking banana peels.  During the same time period, Donovan was singing: They Call It Mellow Yellow...

  3. Ringo Starr (who wrote and sang the song) said in a recent interview it had no hidden meaning; it was a lively, happy song.  Too bad so many read so much into nothing.

    Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds had nothing to do with LSD either; it was named after a drawing John Lennon's son made in 1st grade.

  4. gotta say , masince 1 got it right 1st time and before i got a chance to tell you.

    you go , Girl (masince1).......beatles Rule for Pop , 4 ever.

  5. yellow submarine = yellow submarine

  6. yellow as in scared or fear

    submarines are under the water and they sink

    aka we all live in a sinking world of fear

  7. It could have been something as simple as a picture by Julian lennon of a yellow submarine

  8. They were referring to Hemineverin Capsules.


              Not too long ago in a land beyond the blue sky and a green sea dwelt the people of Pepperland.  The people of Pepperland lived under the domination of another more sinister people, the Blue Meanies.  These meanies controlled all manner of expression and ruled Pepperland without any regard for color or music. One day in the lives of the Pepperlanders, a vessel arrived from out of the sun.  This was no ordinary vessel such as a plane or ship, but a submarine.  And this was no ordinary submarine, dark gray and black with torpedoes and nuclear missiles but a Yellow Submarine.  After the Yellow Submarine landed in Pepperland, four heroes emerged.  These heroes were not military men dressed in uniforms for battle but resembled a marching band dressed in uniforms the color of a rainbow.  Nor were these heroes wielding weapons of mass destruction but musical instruments!  The heroes began to play these instruments and almost spontaneously, color returned to Pepperland.  As the heroes continued to play, the Blue Meanies, unable to cope with the return of color to Pepperland, feared for their unhappiness and left Pepperland for good.  


              By the summer of 1966, The Beatles became dissatisfied with the demands of world touring and retreated to the recording studio to concentrate on the quality of their music.  They were under contract to provide two more movies but by 1967 the strains of popularity began to crack the foundation of their success.  Unable to agree on any format for another movie, The Beatles left the job to NEMS.  NEMS contracted an outside firm that chose to do an animated film based upon Beatle’s music.  One of The Beatles releases was a fantasy based upon a pharmaceutical product popular at this time.  The street name for the product was “Yellow Submarine”. It took the imagination of John Lennon and Paul McCartney along with the studio effects of George Harrison and the vocals of Ringo Starr to produce a whimsical tune about the Yellow Submarine as fantasyland vessel.  The production satisfied a contractual obligation of The Beatles and provided the world with a treasure of music.

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