
What did the blonde Fox Calif lady say in this video: they cut her off and tried to mumble it out gibberishly?

by  |  earlier

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It was up this AM, Wenesday Dec 19,2007...then pulled. The only thing Google would find was North Carolina in November. What was so IMPORTANT about getting this OFF the internet? She was just saying how Bill Clinton got mad at a heckler as Hillary announced,"Who invited YOU to speak at this Global Warming topic?" Then the heckler was arrested, guy commentator disappointed heckler NOT tasered, blonde lady made comments about Bill Clinton also getting FIREY MAD and end was covered with gibberish so the blonde lady's comments had no ending. Then FOX pulled the entire video! Google even de-referenced it! What's going on here?




  1. A little early in the day for eggnog!

    happy holidays!

  2. Maybe you should have posted this in politics as it has no connection with royalty

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