
What did the british do because of the boston tea party?

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What did the british do because of the boston tea party?




  1. went home crying

  2. Boston Tea party refers to the incident of rebellion by the American settlers against the British, wherein the settlers threw away the Tea packets stacked in the ship for England. The British took it serious and started taking military measures to quell the rebellion, in which they finally lost and thus came the United States of America.

  3. Well, they didn't bring lemon wedges and sugar cubes, that's for sure!

  4. Tried to tax us, so we had a party tea at that and started a war!

  5. Actually, some of the British helped dumped the tea as well.

    believe it or not, the whole affair was rather civilized

  6. The immediate reaction from the British was to close the Boston Harbor and to occupy the City of Boston with British military.

    Closing the harbor was a drastic step which shut down much of the local economy as Boston was a port city which relied on fishing, shipping and related industries.  The occupation by the military forces was in order to keep the rebellious colonists from causing anymore trouble and was considered to be an insult to the populace of the city.

    The British military remained in Boston and the harbor remained closed until George Washington and the Continental Army forced the British Navy out of the harbor by placing cannon captured from Fort Ticonderoga on Dorchester Heights in the Spring of 1776.

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