
What did the carnivores on the Arc eat?

by Guest62795  |  earlier

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Is this the reason we don't have unicorns anymore?

Seriously though, here is a platform for you Theists to prove a point regarding the logistics of a massive biblical event.




  1. God designed Noah's Ark, and God would have given perfect instructions to Noah in regard to what to feed the creatures on board.

  2. fish

    Had to be alot of dead floating things.

  3. I'm pretty sure they had a couple of freezers full of hot dogs.

    (Smoked meats and meat jerky lasts 40+ days.)

  4. Milk

  5. the carnivores ate meat! most christians have been told the animals were there 2 by 2 but if they read their bibles(genesis chapter 7 verse 2,) they would know 7 by 7

    you have clean and unclean animals ,theres no way noah and his family would have eaten unclean meat and when he sacrificed an animal to god you know he wouldn't of dared to use an unclean one!

    whatever survived the flood on the ark lived on all the rest perished

    anything else than what the bible says is fairy tales made up by the biblicaly ignorant

  6. They ate Utnapishtim and his wife. Gilgamesh got away though. Noah then stole Utnapishtim's Ark and claimed it as his own. This was actually the first ArkJacking (carJacking) in history.


  7. fish

  8. Apparently, for you at least, they ate the letter "k".

  9. Some questions can only be answered when the Resurrection starts and Noah and his family come back from the dead to tell us.

  10. There were no carnivores before God's Flood.

    Genesis 9:2 The fear and dread of you will fall upon all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air, upon every creature that moves along the ground, and upon all the fish of the sea; they are given into your hands. 3 Everything that lives and moves will be food for you. Just as I gave you plants, I now give you everything.

    It is believe that all animals prior to the flood were herbivores. After all, what would carnivores eat before Adam's sin brought death to the world? And there's nothing to indicate that animal's behavior changed between the creation and the flood. It is likely that pre-flood plant life could provide all the necessary nutrients to have all animals and all of mankind be vegetarians.

    After the flood, God allowed Mankind, and, supposedly, the animals, to eat meat, as the remaining plant life could not nutritionally support many of them on its own. This is also when the "fear of man" of put into all of the animals, resulting in the modern-day animal attacks and maimings you hear about. This would not happen before the flood, when man still had authority over the animals.

    As for carnivores with sharp teeth, there are numerous sharp-toothed animals that eat some plants(bears), or are completely herbivore(pandas), so sharp teeth does not mean they could not have eaten plants. Maybe there was a type of fruit they ate that the sharp teeth helped them with.

    Lastly, if the animals were carnivorous before the flood, then Noah could not have satisfied God's command to only have 2 of each unclean and 7 of each clean animal on the ark, because they would have needed animals to eat, and the flood lasted a whole year.

    any other questions email is

  11. Thier own c**p probably.  Because there would be a mountain of it.

  12. they ate a dinosaur.  God told Noah that the Dinos wouldn't have any purpose after the flood anymore. ;)  and one dino would suffice all of the other carnivores in the boat.  

    my thoughts anywho... ;)

    BB )O( STB

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