
What did the crowd cheer tonight about oil while Guliani was speaking?

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What did the crowd cheer tonight about oil while Guliani was speaking?




  1. There were two lines in the speech that mentioned "oil":

    "He will lead us toward an America that will be independent of foreign oil by an all-of-the-above approach, including nuclear power and off-shore drilling."

    "And she's actually done something about moving America toward energy independence - taking on the oil companies while encouraging more energy exploration here at home."

  2. Because oil is the top subject now in this world.  Without oil no nation will come forward and oil is considered more than gold and diamond, and hence people realized the worth of oil and this may be reason for the cheer, i think, but i am not sure, because i didn't read newspaper and not saw television news.

  3. They were shouting, "Drill Baby Drill." They were referring to when he spoke about the need for more drilling of oil.

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