
What did the original human being look like? is it likke the modern da africans?

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What did the original human being look like? is it likke the modern da africans?




  1. Naw !  I think the original human being looked more like John Wayne and since then we have degenerated to the level that the average human being looks like............ My kind heart prevents me from taking this any further.  Besides, this may have been a serious question  meant to plum the average persons intelligence and I am no where near average.

  2. That very much depends on how far back you want to go.

  3. When would you date the "original human?" Ten thousand, hundred thousand, million years ago?

    Modern humans did come out of Africa and we were all black. Skin color (the means most define "race") changed as humans inhabited the higher latitudes and needed to absorb vitamin D. Lighter skin absorbs it better.

    See the following sites for a discussion:

  4. alot like monkeys only more up right. they had a bigger head than we do today, and a lot more hair.

  5. I caught part of a National Geographic special on the Human Genome Project.  They speculated that the first fully anatomically modern humans probably looked like the San Tribesmen of Africa.

  6. There was no "original human being". There is a smooth continuum of forms, from modern-day humans back to our ape-like ancestors and even further back.

    Throughout our billions of years of evolution, there has never been a time when a child looked more different to its parents than you do to yours.

  7. Probably short and thin in stature.

  8. the first man that God created (Adam) was probably a dark/tan skinned man because he had all the genes for all of the races of humans that we see in the world.

  9. Your question is really vague, as said before there is no definite "original" human. That's completely up for debate.

    Human ancestors most likely did not look like modern Africans...all modern humans regardless of race are considerably different than our believed ancestors such as Australopithecus, H. Habilis, H. Erectus, etc.

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