
What did the shelter mean when they said this about my kitten?

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I'm going to pick up my new 4 month old kitten at the shelter on monday and the lady told me that she had a bit of an attitude.

What does that she gonna be mean? She also said that my kitten came into the shelter sterile but she wanted to spay her just to be safe. How do you think she became sterile?




  1. Attitude means that the kitten is probably a fiesty cat and full of herself.  Just remember that a cat isn't like a dog - they are independent creatures and don't want to made to do anything they aren't feeling like doing already.  As for sterile - I would ask her how she knows and get her to explain herself better if I didn't get an answere I understood I would talk to a vet.  With the cat being female I couldn't say how she would know such a thing.

  2. She might have an attitude but how would you feel in a shelter? I bet the kitten will be grateful you gave it a home and will loose the attitude. By the way your an awesome person for rescuing a kitten!!! Good for you!!

  3. the attitude thing meens that your cat may be stubborn or do what it wants sometimes--which can be good or bad but it probly isnt anything if you just train it to listen to you

    GOOD LUCK!!!


  4. I would guess that means she is a little feisty and may play rougher then some kittens.  Most cats outgrow this- and to help curb it- if she gets rough while playing- stop playing.

    THE only thing I can think of about the other question would be that maybe the kitten was given a shot to ensure she did not get pregnant before she could be spayed- it is not commonly done- and you can only spay them once.

  5. Has their ever been a cat without an attitude? LOL

    She is probably a little stubborn. Some people really don't have much patience though, so perhaps the shelter worker wasn't really all that interested in dealing with her.

    A cat being a cat.

  6. It's called cattitude and not attitude. Cats are suppose to act that way. She must be a dog person.

  7. all cats have attitudes.  just love her and all will be well.

  8. Some cats have what is known as "cattitude", but that doesn't mean they cannot be super loving.  Siamese cats are mouthy, torties are mouthy, and other cats seem to fit into a pattern.  But in reality, a cat's personality is formed in the first two months of life when their mother trains them, and they have any human contact.  I wonder if the shelter person is really a dog person.  Seems strange to make such an assumption.

    I started out with adopting two kittens many years ago.  On my first visit to the shelter, there was this tiny vivid calico kitten who hissed and spit at me.  The next morning she had settled down (she had been rescued off the streets).  The bottom line is that I had her for 15 1/2 years, and she was a super affectionate purr machine.

    I wonder if her statement of coming in sterile means she was not spayed yet.  At four months, she is eligible to be spayed, as there is no reason a vet cannot do it.  Sometimes when a kitten reaches a certain age, the shelter wants a guarantee that the owner will spay the kitten.

    The best gift you can give your new kitten is to take her to your vet, to start a record and get a second opinion.  And, if the shelter has any records, try and get those.  She should have had her basic set of distemper boosters, and soon will be able to get her rabies vaccine, if required by law.  But you really don't want any surprises, such as worms or ear mites.

    She will be too young for Feline AIDS and Feline leukemia tests.

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