
What did they do before zero?

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What did they do before zero?




  1. .....

  2. They sat around trying to come up with the concept of zero! ;)

  3. 'They' didn't do anything, they sat around eating nuts.

  4. Actually the development of zero, probably in India, is a rather recent discovery, developed sometime after 700AD.  Before then you had more complex number systems such as roman numerals that were very difficult to do calculations without an abacus.   Most calculations were probably done with a local version of the abacus, of which there were many.  

  5. they thought "we need zero" and made one


  7. well pretty much the same thing as right now instead of zero a calculation of 1 - 1    

    would have been subject to representation by the calculating person but more than likely zero would have just been nothing or a different word that no longer is used or has been lost in translation

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