
What did this dream mean??

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I had this weird dream.. i got up to go to work and it was all fine. Well when i got to work i was putting my work stuff on in the car and it started to roll down the parking lot and hit a car. So i was like wtf put the emergancy break on and got out and went to work. (my parents drive me, it was my moms vehicle she was in the store) anyways i got in and looked at the clock and i was late.. i so hurried up and clocked in.. but then i realised i left my shoes outside so i ran and got them and got back in and started but when i looked at another clock the time was different then the one in the front and i was a half an hour early to work. So i just kept working and the one kid there freaked out on the manager idk why but he threw stuff. I remember in the dream had trouble walking around at work cause the floors were very slippery. any idea what this ment?




  1. Maybe you're worrying a lot about problems at work...

  2. Your dream suggests a turbulent or unhappy work situation.  

    The events leading up to arriving at work suggest resistance.  They disable you from going to work or would keep you from being effective - the car distractions / near accident, no shoes - having to get out and round things up.

    On the surface, and even in your conscious mind probably, you mostly embrace the job as OK.  It may be needed and the only thing you can get right now, I can't know.  But it does not sound like something you really look forward to - could that other employee be a problem?  Freaking out on the manager for no apparent reason sounds like tension in the place for some reason - maybe that person.  Slipping around on the floor implies unsure footing in the job situation - whether caused by this other employee or for some other reason.

    The time variances on the clocks suggest some anxiety about timeliness on the job.  Perhaps you are very timely - but may have a manager who is overbearing about details - even by warning of things that are not really problems.  That happens, and it can create the kind of reluctance about the job that your dream conveys.

    Another possibility is that you really do have a timeliness issue and perhaps fear problems at work because of it.  One thing that may reinforce this point is that in the dream you are driving yourself, when your parents normally do that.  Are they causing you to be late?  If so, that puts you on the spot.  If this relates, what you witness in that other employee against the manager may be a projection of how you yourself really feel about the job.  You would have to decide by what you truly know and feel inside.

    In the final analysis though it appears that there are problems there and you feel on edge, even unsure of your footing or standing in the work place.  

    You would have to consider these points agains the situation only you truly know, but they are suggested.  Perhaps some of it will help.

    All the best to you.

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